Habitat Area of Particular Concern, for Inshore Juvenile Atlantic Cod
* Ron Huber, Friends of Penobscot Bay ron.huber@penbay.org 207-691-7485
3. Land based impacts to HAPC.
NOAA Tech Memo Impacts to Marine Fisheries Habitat from Nonfishing Activities in the Northeastern United States
Inshore Juvenile Atlantic Cod HAPC
* List of landbased threats to inshore juvenile atlantic cod Text version of list
* HAPC guidance on Human Activities that Impact Fish Habitat.- MidAtlantic Fishery Mgmt Council
* Impacts to Marine Fisheries Habitat from Non-fishing activities in the NE US
* Hatchling cod need soft microplankton for first food GLOBEC 1998
* Text version Scott M. Gallager, Jeff Van Keuren and Phillip Alatalo. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.1998
* Spatial Distribution of Ages 0 and 1 Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) off the Eastern Massachusetts Coast, 1978-1999, Relative to ‘Habitat Area of Special Concern’ (based on inshore trawl surveys)
* Proposal to Establish a Marine Sanctuary in Midcoast Maine. 1989. Part 1 Part Two
2. Summary: What's an HAPC?
3. What are Land based impacts to HAPCs?
4. Selection process3. What are Land based impacts to HAPCs?
5. Maps of 2 alternatives for inshore juvenile cod HAPC. (MLW to 20 meters is Council's preference
6. Land-based impacts to inshore juvenile Atlantic Cod HAPC
7. Research and conservation of inshore juvenile atlantic cod habitat area of particular concern
1. Contacts
Michelle Bachman NEFMC fishery analyst mbachman@nefmc.org 978/465-0492 ext 120
* Andy Applegate NEFMC Ecosystem based fishery management (978) 465-0492 (ext. 114) email: aapplegate@nefmc.org
* Ron Huber, Friends of Penobscot Bay ron.huber@penbay.org 207-691-7485
2. What are Habitat Areas of Particular Concern?
HAPCs are being delineated in the waters around the American coasts. New England Fishery Management Council-delineated HAPCs are specific marine locations that fishermen, academics, the New England Fishery Management Council NEFMC, NOAA and NGOs come to agreement as being particularly essential habitats during some point in the lives of the finfish and shellfish species that commercial and recreational marine fisheries capture.
NEFMC's Description of HAPCs "The intent of the habitat areas of particular concern designation is to identify those areas that are known to be important to species which are in need of additional levels of protection from adverse impacts, "Designation of habitat areas of particular concern is intended to determine what areas within EFH should receive more of the Council's and NMFS' attention when providing comments on federal and state actions, and in establishing higher standards to protect and/or restore such habitat". NOAA's definition of Habitat Ares of Particular Concern
NOAA Tech Memo Impacts to Marine Fisheries Habitat from Nonfishing Activities in the Northeastern United States
4. Selection Criteria and decision matrix. To become listed as an HAPC the location must meet a majority of these criteria. See Habitat
1a. Importance of Historic Ecological Function
1b. Importance of Current Ecological Function
2. Sensitivity to Anthropogenic Stresses
4. Rarity of the Habitat Type
4. Delineator. The New England Fishery Management Council is responsible for identifying HAPCs in the waters from Rhode Island to the Canadian border, from the low tide shores to the entire American EEZ portion of the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, as well as the Nantucket Shoals south of Cape Cod
In 1999 NEFMC first concluded that the shallow waters of New England meet all of the criteria except (4) Rarity of the habitat type. Evaluations since then have confirmed their earlier conclusions.
The Council found that the shallows of our New England coasts:
The Council found that the shallows of our New England coasts:
1a. Have well documented historic ecological functions for juvenile atlantic cod and their ecological partners,
1b. Have well documented current ecological functions for juvenile atlantic cod and their ecological partners,
2. Are sensitive to anthropogenic stresses, such as dredging, wastewater discharges, pesticide runoff
3. Are under stress from development, with more development pressures anticipated.
4. Are a common habitat type. Maine has more than 5,000 miles of shoreline, the amount within 65 feet of shore must be a large number of square miles
In 2004 the council prepared a review of the known habitat needs of inshore juvenile atlantic cod
In 2006 the council examined the inshore juvenile cod HAPC and looked at other HAPC proposals aroudn the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank (72pg pdf)
In 2013 the NEFMC DEIS on HAPCs refined its proposal for the Juvenile Atlantic Cod Habitat Area of Particular Concern
Alternatives: The Council set two alternatives. These are: mean low water to either the 10 meter or 20 meter depth contour,. The Council's preferred alternative is the 20 meter depth contour alternative
Note: Friends of Penobscot Bay supports the low water to 10 meter depth contour as most vulnerable to landbased impacts, as well as easy to delineate. FOPB feels that 20 meter depth contour covers habitats so much less impacted as to be
New Eng inshore juvenile cod HAP Mean highwater to 20 meter depth contour
Alternative inshore juvenile cod HAPC map 0 to 10 meters closeup of the ten meter alternative
Reports and research relevant to the inshore Juvenile Atlantic cod HAPC
1b. Have well documented current ecological functions for juvenile atlantic cod and their ecological partners,
2. Are sensitive to anthropogenic stresses, such as dredging, wastewater discharges, pesticide runoff
3. Are under stress from development, with more development pressures anticipated.
4. Are a common habitat type. Maine has more than 5,000 miles of shoreline, the amount within 65 feet of shore must be a large number of square miles
In 2004 the council prepared a review of the known habitat needs of inshore juvenile atlantic cod
In 2006 the council examined the inshore juvenile cod HAPC and looked at other HAPC proposals aroudn the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank (72pg pdf)
In 2013 the NEFMC DEIS on HAPCs refined its proposal for the Juvenile Atlantic Cod Habitat Area of Particular Concern
Alternatives: The Council set two alternatives. These are: mean low water to either the 10 meter or 20 meter depth contour,. The Council's preferred alternative is the 20 meter depth contour alternative
Note: Friends of Penobscot Bay supports the low water to 10 meter depth contour as most vulnerable to landbased impacts, as well as easy to delineate. FOPB feels that 20 meter depth contour covers habitats so much less impacted as to be
New Eng inshore juvenile cod HAP Mean highwater to 20 meter depth contour
Alternative inshore juvenile cod HAPC map 0 to 10 meters closeup of the ten meter alternative
Reports and research relevant to the inshore Juvenile Atlantic cod HAPC
* List of landbased threats to inshore juvenile atlantic cod Text version of list
* HAPC guidance on Human Activities that Impact Fish Habitat.- MidAtlantic Fishery Mgmt Council
* Impacts to Marine Fisheries Habitat from Non-fishing activities in the NE US
* Hatchling cod need soft microplankton for first food GLOBEC 1998
* Text version Scott M. Gallager, Jeff Van Keuren and Phillip Alatalo. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.1998
* Spatial Distribution of Ages 0 and 1 Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) off the Eastern Massachusetts Coast, 1978-1999, Relative to ‘Habitat Area of Special Concern’ (based on inshore trawl surveys)
* Proposal to Establish a Marine Sanctuary in Midcoast Maine. 1989. Part 1 Part Two
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