
Apr 20, 2024

Dishonoring a dishonorable flag of a dishonorable people

Planned Norwegian royal standard burning: "last resort" by angry wild salmon defenders.

BELFAST MAINE   Furious over King Harald V of Norway's  apparent endorsement of a conspiracy between Norwegian nationals and  Maine's controversial and proudly anti environment  Governor Janet Trafton Mills to eliminate  one of the last remaining wild Atlantic salmon schools in the  United States, with a seriously  bad  a veteran Maine environmentalist has  declared  April a special Norwegian flag burning month.

The furor comes  as the  latest unknown owner of the jinxed Nordic Aquafarms  project, long ago stripped of its Maine  Bureau of Parks and Lands lease,  bizarrely tries to bully local governments into robbing their own local residents  to benefit  foreign would be polluters"

" This  cruel forcing of  small budgeted towns to commit scarce funds -  until  they can no longer afford to play this disgustingly rigged game,"  Huber said, " is unworthy of King Harold and unworthy of all Norwegians of good character.  

Youi majesty  please  force  pollution  upon the citizens of another country.  So  Your Majesty's  subjects  wc gleefully foul our beloved Penobscot Bay   -  with no discharge limits at all."  

Huber said that while this is in great part due  to our Quisling governor Janet Mills,  King Harold V's  seeming approval of this predatory abuse of small Maine towns  by an unknown mass of Norwegian monied interests has raised more than a few 

Your Majesty, please  put this bizarre "Nordic Aqua Farms" entity under an ethical spotlight.   .

"This is the last major American River and Bay hosting wild Atlantic Salmon" said an exasperated Ron Huber, Penobscot Bay Watch since 1992.  "Can't you just  make Nordic go away already?"

Let this be the last year our small bay towns have  to expensively fend off  Norwegian capital attracted by  "Maine-for-sale"  political pimp Janet Trafton Mills.

Harald V is said to be the moral compass of his subjects. If so, he is failing his his people. 

"We will burn the royal Norwegian flag  last". He said. " Slowly. With no pleasure, only a deep sorrow that King Harald V and his nation  have  become actual enemies of natural Maine." 

"Though we won't  take that extreme step of charring the Royal Standard  before the end of this month. And will honor it, never ever harm it,    if you take  these mysterious Norwegian capitalists to task publicly, so we can understand the strange fascination  our Penobscot Bay holds  over Norwegian money markets..


newscenter mercury in farmed salmon

News: Baywatch tohelp Wind and Waves in

Taking a cue from Mother Nature:
Bay Watch to join Wind and Tide's tireless efforts to pierce the Sears Island Causeway.


"Where the wind digs, there dig I," said Ron Huber, a Penobscot Baywatcher. He said they are locating 1980s and 1990s submissions by MDOT contractors describing more fully the pipes and other buried obstacles to bore beneath , noting maps and documents describing the planning and construction of the causeway.
Some are mere cracks, he observed. while others suggest easy peasey dig-thrus to the other water body.
"While more storms will speed this necessary action, we believe that human beings need to add their wits and energies to hasten the process." he said.

" Once we bore through to the Searsport Harbor side, wind and waves should do the rest.," e the controversial
"We wish to thank Bruce Van Note at MDOT" Huber said , "for allowing we and the rest of Nature to complete this critical decolonization and emancipation of Wassumkik!"

Greg Robie: thoughts on the Sears island causeway

 On Apr 3, 2024, at 1:27 PM, Greg Robie <> wrote:

Hi Ron, 

I have been engaged in some preliminary deductions about the role of the causeway and the tidal flats marine health.
Inspired by your plane ride pictures, I started this bit of educated speculation using Google Earth and off shore Gulf Stream northerly flows, near shore Arctic surface return flows, the Saint Lawrence River influence regarding onshore bottom water upwelling, and Penobscot River as the primary freshwater input. I deduced that whatever I could conclude concerning the Islesboro geological feature could be applied at a magnitude or two less, to Sears Island/Wasumkik, and this prior to the causeway, and additionally to the addition of cobbles to the intertidal bar. 

My initial intuitively modeled current dynamics concerning Islesboro seem confirmed in this study: Due to that features and east and west channels roles, I imagine the two order of magnitude less is applicable to Wasumkik for a reasoned starting point to sort out what the causeway changed relative to the marine health of the related tidal flats. This pair of current charts from 1978 and included in the report are representative:

<Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 11.02.35 AM.png>

The impact of a reduced twice daily flushing of leached toxins in the general area of Kidder and Mack Points, and particularly reduced Stockton Harbor tidal outflows – which would not be drawing waters from Long Cove – would be cumulative. Maine’s steamer clam, Mya arenaria, as syphon feeders would likely be initially impacted by the cumulative toxicity at its larva stage, and then additionally impacted by a reduced capacity of juvenile clams to reach sexual maturity. The cumulative toxicity could also impact both sperm and egg viability. 

Similarly, the tongue of salt water of the incoming tide in the Penobscot River channel lifts and spreads the fresh water of the Penobscot River inflow into the Bay. This elevated level of fresh water, when drawn across the intertidal bar north of Wasumkik as an eddy current, would affect the salinity of both Long Cove and Stockton Harbor. Salinity is integral to both fertilization success of Mya arenaria clams, as well as where larva select as settlement sites. 

Tipping points happen, and, regardless, happened. 

Figure 1.16 demonstrates a current dynamic that went from one that could draw water across the intertidal bar due to the eddying to the east of Sears Island, to one that was stopped by the construction of the causeway. The stoppage significantly affected the estuary marine health of both Long Cove and Stockton Harbor. A relative stagnant condition in both tidal estuaries was affected. Given a collapse of these estuary systems for Mya arenaria, a disruption of a little bit of transport of brackish water across the Wasumkik cobbled intertidal bar, was significant. Prior to the cobbling the flow would have been even greater, but arguable not as significant to the Mya arenaria. 

Further study that I would find both relevant and insightful would be soil core studies of the sedimentation that constitute both Wasumkik's intertidal bar and Cape Jellison’s isthmus.  Any common geological history might demonstrate parallel sedimentation. Such common sedimentation history would significantly differ only in the quantity of the material deposited as sedimentation. The earliest sedimentation on the isthmus might be absent in the area of the bar due to the bar feature evolving at a significantly later geological time after the formation of the isthmus shifted the flow of the Penobscot exclusively to the east of the geological feature that is integral to Cape Jellison.

=) mp4 links 1998 to 2024



space g crazies


Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities

Norwegian enviro laws

Norwegian law protects those who pollute



FRIDAY // 9.18.2020

AICHI Target 1

Nature Diversity Act 
Act of 19 June 2009 No.100 Relating to the Management of Biological, Geological and Landscape Diversity

Norway: environment legal guide

Law No. 100 on the management of biodiversity (Nature Diversity Act). Country/TerritoryNorway Document typeLegislationDate2008 (2022) SourceFAO, FAOLEX

Maine's Governor is dumb as the others

 The puzzle confuses most Mainers: Why is yet ANOTHER Governor stuck on the Sears Island flypaper of dreams flapped at her by such disreputable creatures as Angus King and his first Marine Commissioner, Robin Alden?

Will it  help to  consider a distant place similar but completely different?  Though defacto Governess of this sprawling forest & salt paradise - comfortably barred from  Awaysian America,  Janet Trafton Mills  would be instantly rebuffed if  she brought forth suggestions  so ecologically destructive to the prefecture' s salmon eels and other  migratory and  the stay-at-home-maority of species. Further it for the interim dashes hopes for  a sister state/prefecture agreement, where the Ainu would work with  Wabanki in the Aninus desperate efforts to preserve their language and their millenia of culture from finally washing away in the Sands of Time  

   Maine ever reminds me of my late partners' home prefecture Hokkaido. As the New World Encyclopedia helpfully states of  Hokkaido (accent on 2nd syllable)  "...formerly known as Ezo, Yezo, Yeso  and Yes-So (. is... Japan's largest northernmost and most sparsely populated of its 47 prefectual level subdivisions."     More about this later.    

Govneronor. Mills appears to cling to the "blitzkreig" theory of getting what she wants. There is no other reason Maine's Governor clings to thiswitless notion notion , than has been roundly rejected so many times by its neighbor town, by courts , by federal agencies and the braver state agencies

Many a Maine governor past tried to fool the people by demanding his (or now HER) natural resource agencies DMR and IFW, and the Maine DOT to concoct at least superficially plausible rationales to convince a skeptical the US Army Corps of Engineers. They all failed.

As Ronald Reagan would've said with an exasperated eyeroll: {potentially defamatory comparison deleted. to meetFB stds]

King's first DMR commissioner Robin Alden actually managed to disgrace that Department more than all the past ones combined, as a look look through the . She filed nonsensical "comments" with the Federal Highway Administration and US Army Corps of Engineers.
Bunch of silliness about the island being just more same-old same-old Maine coast, only wrapped around an Island . So no biggie to trash it. Miles and miles of the Maine coast have shoreline stuff , Robin Alden essentially sneered. Not remotely important enough to block jobs and prosperity for Searsport, the State of Maine and Industry

Robin Alden was jeered from coast to coast by actual marine ecologists not impressed that she had been editor of a big commercial fishery tabloid. Reporting on reporting on what fishermen fishermen do doesn't nessarily translate to understanding WHY the species they harvest need any particular places during their many life stages.

A firm yet furious response by Dr. Fred Short pf UNH New England's top eelgrass expert to the Army Corps so fully rebutted this reeking word salad that the King's minion discharged at them .

T he Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute freshly hatched atlantic cod larvae require as immediate prey a high density in the water of soft-bodied marine microbes called amoebas. For the first 10-15 days after hatching, larval cod lack jaws capable of breaking open for the tiny fish to survive the first ten to fifteen days of their lives.

As the WHOI researchers put it, the tiny fish require:

"soft-bodied microzooplankton in the size range of 40 to 80 m at a nominal concentration of about 2 cells ml-1 in order to maximize survival through yolk-sac absorption (~10-15 days post-hatch)."

Have literally need for "babyfood" (soft bodied marine amoebas) during their Age Zero 1st year since hatching the nursery waters at a a minimum density. what they do

We ought respect this ecologically sacred place. See the several square miles of Federal designated and mapped Habitat Area of Particular Concern for Inshore Juvenile Atlantic Cod"?, as amended squaremiles of federally of Irresisible River embracing the Moon-slaved unstoppable Bay one of the Gulf of Maine subplumes that's been braided into the Eastern Maine Coastal Current since the Labrador Current dropped himn up to Fundy, ...[Note to animists: the EMCC is notoriously the most obsessivly talkative of the Gulf of Maine's family currents. if the let them that opted to head north for the poking of one or more of its its million subplumes, bursting with wild passengers young and old pouring UPSTREAM

Apr 15, 2024

The Nifting Pole

 "And when all was ready, I  go into the island. up around the island coast   The Royal Lion, tied up into meek silence, I carry as a commoner's sack.

To the rocky point that looks inward to the mainland I go 

I take in my hands my Nifting Pole. 

Then I  hold the  Lion and behead Him.  I  drop  his body and impale His  golden head  on the pole.  

I point the Lion's Head to Norway, dark land beyond dawn. 

Then, in a solemn form of  cursing, I speak: 

'Here I have setup a curse-pole, and this curse I turn on  Crown Prince HRH Haakon Magnus and Prince HH Sverre of the Royal House of Glücksburg - including the sins of their father His Royal Highness, as follows:  

* That Norwegians one and all lose interest in  exploiting this Penobscot Bay  and its Penobscot River.

* That your subjects all as one abandon this continent,

* That your subjects return to Norway and   despoil  and degrade your kingdom's  wildwaters  as their wasting places. until you understand their threat outside outside your  kingdom and bar them.

*That  every harm their  subjects have already  wreaked on democracy in Maine, corrupting  ever corruptible Maine  democratic and indepedent government officials  is visited by them upon your Kingdom of Norway at their return  

 [I exempt  from this curse His Majesty Harald V, Queen Sonja and the other women and children of His family ]

Here I turn the Royal Lion's head  landwards.

This curse I turn also on the king's emissaries who attack this Penobscot Bay -  shielded shamefully as Nordic Aquafarms:  

*That they one and all - even Erik Heim surnamed Falsetongue too  - even though he fled far north to our river's source, he too will  lose interest in  these American bays and rivers   and indeed abandon the Gulf of  Maine and the north american continent

* That your capitalist pirate war bands  will instead plunder and lay waste  crumbling Russia at your  doorstep, 

*That they cease  promoting  their  sickening practice of  tanks-imprisoned fishes! Mighty schools of  proud salmon - in chains!   Sunless all their lives,

*That their desire and your permissions to slake  their desires-  to wreak  havoc on Maine's biggest bay -  vanish from their hearts and minds  just as winter seasmoke vanishes against risen sun

*That they not reach or find their home till they  themselves have driven out all other warbands of subjects of the  Royal Family from  this  land

The Lion's head  I have turned inwards to the mainland; On the pole I cut these runes naming the Curse

This I have spoken. 

Now I plant the pole  in a rift of the rock, and let it stand there until time takes it down." 

The Penobscot BayWatch Chronicle 

EARTH FORCE! 36 strategies to wield while defending our planet from our dead-ending subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens


COVER    PART 1   PART 2   PART 3   PART 4   PART 5   PART 6   PART 7

Apr 8, 2024

Burning Norway


How bravely the Norwegian national flag waved, that chill evening breeze that blew atop the criminal Sears Island Causeway!

But ominous there. The encroaching dark, forcing valiant light around the globe vanguished as a blood-red sun.

Now but a crimson slash across the throat of Nordic Night Maiden N'ott - splashing Her divine blood vividly against the clear cold skies, and let leafless maples and oaks glitter in April - cruelest month.

It was as if the all the gods were looking coldly upon what was to happen below, from their vantage point atop that lurid ridge , which comfortably overhangs tidy Mack Point of Searsport Harbor.

Here arrive liquid & gaseous carbons, acids, phosphates- plastics! passing from their extra-Maine states nations through the Gulf of Maine then to the top of Pαnawάhpskewi, Maine's biggest Bay. - past and future realm of the Pαnawάhpskewi* - then offload their liquid gaseous and solid cargoes for their landside journeys into the heart of the Dawn State.

* A simplified version "Penobscot" is still in some American English usage.

To Aroostook! Here a risky but potential lucrative Cuckoos Egg has been laid. though their nature: anti-personnel, anti aircraft, shipbusters, tunnel blasters- to cite few of the lucrative opportunities of the Corruption Class of the Warbird rockets and Area denial systems specialty markets -and their battening on America's Endless Offensive for Freedom,

As seen from the crumbling Seared Island causeway - aka "Brennan's Wall of Shame" - above the restless tide gnawing it with wooden stormfangs .

But, alas, many human men & women delight in gathering power by abusing those seeming weaker than themselves

[A camera focuses on a man. Behind him the infamous GAC Chemical Company's crumbling waste filled shore, whose shielding by corrupted agencies are , like the causeway, proof of human short-term self-interest thinking is NOT enough].

Hello My h name is Ron Huber. I am an American .
I'm very unhappy with the people of Norway


A fitting place. This mile long wall of stone that, like Alexander the Great's causeway to the Island city Tyre, was forced upon an unwilling Island by invaders.

Though unlike conquered and enslaved Tyre, King Azemilcus there was pardoned bythe young Macedonian leader, you surely know, your Majesty) - unlike crushed Tyre l the forests, springs and streams of Wassumkik continue their eternal movement, granting refuge to myriad plant animal fungal algal and -importantly - the natural microbial species those on the land the water, and (secretly) traveling in the millions within seafogs , here and on your Majesty's rocky coast.

coastal Maine species seeking refuge from coastal human sprawl. continues to enliven n this 340 hectare tear-shaped island.

a remarkable , the geographic center of the Penobscot Estuary

the Norwegian's criminal ju subjects must for law breakers should always face thie

As flames licked thirstily at the fabric, I called out Harald V King of Norway for letting his subjects attempt to destroy this Little River estuary.
"Forbannet deg kong Harald!!!"
As eyes widened at the foreign words, I spat out the translation, then continued.

As you are cursed, your Highness, so are your subjects! Free them frome this dishonor. please!

Mar 16, 2024

bay history TV news center Maine not all salmon is good . River full of mercury not the smartest place to grow fish

Some activists in Maine are urging the state to label certain farmed salmon due to potential health risks... say

Greg Robie on maine BEP rule change proposal january 2

 RE: a reconsideration relative to December 7th's draft minute 2 and any approval 

Honorable Chair Susan Lessard,

Prior to placing an approval of the December 7th's draft minutes on the table for our Board’s review and consideration, please bring to its attention that the affecting of today’s public hearing for a repeal and replace rulemaking undertaking and Chapter 2 as recorded in minute 2:
  1. is not yet authorized by approved minutes, and 
  2. that the electronic notice for qualifying parties was not made until January 7th, and 
  3. that this is eleven days ago, and therefore does not meet the law's requirement of a 20 day notice, and 
  4. that the published public notice fails to note that the type of rulemaking is a substantive repeal and replace, and
  5. this substantive “repeal and replace” is stated in the draft version of minute 2, but not in published notice concerning this Public Hearing, and
  6. Law requires a public notice to link to a detailed content concerning rulemaking that is omitted in the public notice, and
  7. To the degree what the Executive Analyst email address qualifies, what and how a request was replied to (see thread below), such fails to meet the law's standard, and
  8. The electronic notice and link, differently offered limited information, and
  9. that due to the notice of a public hearing by the Board, that as a decision by the Board, this renders, in law, an irrelevance regarding ANY determination of whether rulemaking is routine regular or major substantive, and
  10. that classifying rulemaking as emergency, routine regular, or major substantive is the Legislature’s power and responsibility (to claim otherwise becomes an overreach of executive branch powers*).
  11. that the reauthorized BEP has its statutory “Rules” and its section of law, as this as it applies to this Chapter 2 repeal and replace rulemaking, and
  12. minute 2 includes an extraneous declarative assertion concerning a choice and a type of rulemaking for which there is no basis in law, and
  13. minute 2 further indicates that what was prepared for the Board's consideration needed only minor clerical corrections, and
  14. without a clear and recorded determination that what has been prepared and presented is authorize by a vote of the Board in an open meeting (I have found none, and minute 2 references none), and
  15. a reconsidertation, in consultation with the Departments Rulemaking Liasion might redress bias that seems to have permeated the consideration of this rulemaking to date, and
  16. required the Board’s Executive Analyst to violate the statutory neutrality of that office, and
  17. In consideration of the above, AND regardless, please, and in a timely manner as specified in law, extend the public comment period to encompass at least six months.  
  18. (Should this letter/email new presented after the approval of draft minute 2, please entertain the exercise of a member's privilege to move for reconsideration of the approval.)

As our citizen board, and historically related to Maine’s traditional citizen Boards of Appeals, the BEP stands in the gap – so to speak – between the Constitutionally protected free exercise of purposed human speech and any unmerited overreach and/or abdication of such speech. The guardianship of this bedrock right and our self-governance is a sacred honor. Our Oaths of Office are a formalized iteration of a covenant bond among ALL the People for the purpose of the better ordering and preservation and furtherance by the People, in covenant bond, to affect through is ‘civil bod[ies] politick” the common good of human personages. 

This letter and request is placed, through the Chair, to our reauthorized citizen Board of Environmental Protection as Constitutional protected human speech for the purpose of better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the aforesaid and this inclusive of our Constitution and State statutes, and particularly our Maine Administrative Procedures Act (MAPA). It is made as an extension of a relevant thread, and this is intended to helpfully offer any required context. If requested I am happy to offer an annotated version. I also intend to be present online.

Thank you for the due consideration of this that Constitutionally protected purpose human speech enjoys. My gratitude is immeasurable to our BEP for the roll played regarding our interaction last March, and what this has become. 

Greg C Robie

95 Mineral Springs Road
Highland Mills, NY  10930

Amoebas reactions to light spectra. 1917 study


Reactions of ameba to light, and the effect of light on feeding.

Asa A, Schaefer Dept of Zoology Univesity of Tennessee

CONCLUSIONS. From these experiments it may be concluded that white light and all the visible spectral colors cause positive responses; but whether all are equally attractive cannot be definitely stated, for experiments would have to be staged differently to produce accurate results. Nevertheless the red end of the spectrum seems to be somewhat more attractive than the blue. 


What is of considerable interest in the behavior of ameba toward light is that the character of the response may vary rapidly. See Figs. 22 to 36; 37 to 48; and a number of other experiments. A negative reaction may be followed by a positive and vice versa. There is no definite relationship between ameba and light, on account of which the ameba is always either positive or negative or indifferent.

 Stimulation from light produces the same general character of reaction as stimulation from glass or carbon. The only observable difference is a quantitative one; light beams are sensed at a greater distance than particles of glass or carbon. This difference may however be due to a difference in intensity of the stimuli. 

 Ameba reacts to dark spots in much the same way that it does to beams of light. The reactions are either positive, negative or indifferent. But they are negative in much the greater number of cases. But no sooner does one observe the reactions of an ameba to perpendicular beams of light and of darkness than question arises as to the transfer of the stimulus to the ame well as the nature of it. 

How can an ameba sense a beam of light or darkness which never comes nearer to it than I00 microns?

 It is possible that small particles suspended in the water reflect light from a beam of light so as to reach the ameba in much the same way that man can observe a beam of light in a dark room because of the dust particles in the air. But if so the ameba, being eyeless, is wonderfully sensitive to light. But as to beams of darkness the case is entirely different. 

Is it con- ceivable that an ameba can sense a beam of darkness at a distance because not as much light is reflected from the particles in the dark beam as from those more brightly illuminated surrounding the beam? If one did not know of reactions to beams of dark- ness, one might adopt the hypothesis of the reflection of light from particles in the beam; but since similar behavior is observed toward beams of darkness, this explanation is obviously not the right one. 

Some disturbance is created by the beams which is then radially transmitted; so much is certain. But just what is the nature of the disturbance is not clear. In a preceding paper (Schaeffer, 'I6c), in which the reactions of ameba to particles of glass, carbon, and similar materials were 




 described, it was concluded that the nature of the stimulus which enabled amebas to react to these substances at a distance also remains unrecognized. Now it is possible that the nature of th stimulus which makes reaction at a distance possible is the sam for all these various test objects, since the reactions are very similar. 

If so, the nature of the stimulation must be simple and fundamental, such as differences in electrical potential which give rise to electrical currents. But if the nature of the stimulation should be electtical, the quantities of current arising from the various test objects must be infinitesimally small, and very great if not insurmountable difficulties would be encountered in dem- onstrating the presence of such small currents. 

 To show the general reactions of ameba to globulin, carbon, etc., when stimulated simultaneously by beams of light or of darkness, the experiments may be classified as follows. 

 1. Food objects (grains of globulin) were laid over a beam of intense light so that the food should be very brightly illuminated -365-372. Blue spectral light was used in the experiments recorded, for blue light has been regarded as more disagreeable than other spectral colors. The globulin was sensed at a distance and the ameba moved toward it and ingested it. There was no definite indication that'the blue light had any effect in modifying the behavior unless the pseudopod to the right in Fig. 368 is to be regarded as expressing a deterrent effect of the light. The ameba, in effect, reacted as if no spectral blue light was present. 

 2. The food substance was laid some distance from the green or yellow light, and in various positions with respect to the ameba and the beam of light-373-437. (a) When the green light lay between the ameba and the globulin, the light had a slight disturbing and deterring effect -386. The ameba made a slight detour around the green light. 

 In another test with the experiment similarly staged, the disturbing effect of the green light was more pronounced-373. The ameba made a wide detour around the light and moved into contact with the globulin without coming into contact with the green beam. 

In both experiments green light, which is positive when sensed alone, became negative in contrast with the more strongly (or differently) positive globulin. 69 


 In the experiment with yellow light-397-40 moved straight toward the light after the globulin sensing range, then moved over the beam of light, af direction of motion was changed so that the ameba moved toward the globulin. The globulin was eaten in a cup. The yellow light was not deterrent in this case.

 But another ameba reacted negatively to both yellow light and glob ulin, when presented simultaneously, but positively when presented separately. The ameba was satiated or sick, for the globulin was only partially surrounded. 

 3. Grains of globulin and carbon were laid over beams of darkness. 

 (a) An ameba moved toward a dark spot on which lay a grain of carbon until it came within about thirty microns of the dark spot, when negative behavior set in. The ameba moved away to the right-463. In the succeeding test the ameba reacted at first positively to the dark spot alone, and after that decidedly negatively. 

 (b) A piece of globulin was laid on the dark spot, to the right of the ameba. The ameba moved directly toward the dark spot -globulin-though it seemed to have been slightly deterred by the dark area, for the ameba broke up into two pseudopods-495 -and just when the dark beam was reached a little later, a small side pseudopod appeared. The globulin was however finally ingested. 

In another experiment the globulin was placed near the far edge of the dark spot-522. The behavior of the ameba became very irregular as it moved near the dark beam. Soon a pseudopod was sent out straight toward the globulin, but it was presently retracted and the ameba moved off to the left, veering to the right. There can be no doubt of the strongly deterrent effect of the dark beams. There can also be no doubt of the strongly attractive effect of the globulin.

Mar 11, 2024

From End of Nature to End of Nurture: McKibben form-letter bashing Penobscot's estuary defenders shows Mills admin desperation

Oh the horror!  A form letter signed by Bill McKibben - with the Governor's  rhetoric patched in!  

Mr. McKibben is one of those lucky writers whose revelation - that  human pollution and habitat damage  is everywhere, from abyssal sea plains to the stratosphere - resulted in a bestselling book  The End of Nature. This bought him a seat in the Important Voices Sunday media lineup and the coveted Name-Your-Price opinion writer stable. But maintaining that seat comes at a price.  

And that stable is where this especially large shovelful  of manure comes from. Not Bill the bringer of light, but Bill the tamed sycophant. From bemoaning the End of Nature,  Bill is now calling for the End of Nurture. Abandon GAIA,  that silly old cow! She's dried up and heading for the knacker anyway! 

 There is no time to waste!   Away with healing your pathetic little Island and its harbors!   

But Bill isn't _quite_sure.

 "Sears Island is undoubtedly a treasured place for many people." he ponders, his dome fairly glowing with the fury of the mentations within.   "[T]he development of a 100-acre port would  undoubtedly transform the setting - Something I would ordinarily oppose...."  

 But - and this is surely Governor Mills one liner insert: "There simply are no other East Coast  locations  that meet the physical requirements, including size,   needed to build out  this industry at the pace and scale that the  investors  the climate crisis demands."  

Uneasily, Bill suspects there is "undoubtedly" SOMETHING about that island that enthralls the locals.  But with his vast mind and Olympian wisdom and global  perspective, he  speaks the words of Letting Go. Of sacrificing to the hunger of the Powers,  as  a kindly subdiety  of his level should tell the mortals.  Sacrifice your land. Your homes. Your hopes!  Even that may not be enough to satisfy the Changers of the Climate!

 More inshore offshore windports will stave off the existential crisis of climate change "  he intones" and money. Lots of money. For everyone. Unions workers  Millionaires like himself  The rabble banging at the gates.

"Let's not miss our shot," he warns, He should know. That golden ring only comes around so often, Unless you shoot the messenger and loot it for yourself. Bill got that gold once, it transformed him into a Giant striding the earth  Or at least being driven about it. 

It is revealing yet  sad that McKibben - now comfortably on a lower rung of the  ruling class -  ,famously  refuses to reveal his investment portfolio neither its size nor his preferred stocks , other than that it does not include  oil or other carbon stocks.    

There may not be "black gold" in the McKibbenian  holdings  But minerals, defense stocks?  Who can say?     

Mar 9, 2024

FOIA & FOAA requests. From Sears Island in the 1990s to windpower in the 2010s

1995 Sears Island Cargoport plan. 
State and federal FOIA'd documents

Mar 8, 2024

Sears Island History 1995. Oppo writes Council on Environmental Quality: EPA's J. Devillar's not following law

Ron Huber
POB 1871
Rockland ME 04841

October 13, 1995   (by Fax)

Ray Clark
Council on Environmental Quality
722 Jackson Place
Washington DC

Dear Mr. Clark

Two persons (Mark Imlay and Denny Haldeman) suggested I contact you  concerning our group's efforts to make sure that NEPA issues are properly addressed in the course of the Section 10/404/permitting process for the Sears Island cargoport proposal in Searsport Maine. 

The Coastal Waters Project is a citizens association dedicated to the protection and restoration of estuarine and nearshore fish and shellfish habitat along the Atlantic coast.

Briefly, the Maine Dept of Transportation, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration has prepared a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement*  pursuant to the state's proposal to build a cargo terminal on undeveloped Sears Island in upper Penobscot Bay, Maine. The terminal would provide deepwater access to rail and highway connections in central Maine, and on into Quebec.  Primary cargo will be woodchips for export on the world market. Industrial growth in the vicinity of the port is also anticipated.

We are concerned that  the project as laid out in the Supplemental EIS* will have unacceptable adverse secondary and cumulative impacts to estuarine and marine resources of Penobscot Bay and the Gulf of Maine (including species managed under federal fishery management plans and the Atlantic Salmon which is under review for listing under the Endangered Species Act), as well as unacceptable adverse secondary and cumulative impacts to impacts to wetlands, federally listed T & E species and economically managed forest resources in the anticipated woodchip sourcing area of the forests of Maine (and possibly Canada).

However, the SEIS for the project does not address these offsite impacts, and the Maine DOT is resisting the inclusion of such impacts in the SEIS. We want to make sure that these impacts gets the consideration we believe they deserve.  National Marine Fisheries Service and the US Fish & Wildlife Service are both concerned about the DSEIS' inadequacies. 

In their comments, EPA staff has rated the project review EO-2 (Does not meet the purposes of NEPA) in accordance with their national rating system.  EPA region 1 Director John Devillars, however, appears somewhat lukewarm to his staff's recommendations that offsite impacts be evaluated.  

In addition, at a regional meeting on marine habitat issues, NMFS staff suggested that "the elevator doesn't work here anymore", referring to elevation of their concerns within NOAA and the Dept of Commerce.

In light of these potential barriers to getting the proposed project's off-site impacts fully considered, I would like an opportunity to visit your office early next week to discuss our concerns in greater detail. I am in the Washington area for unrelated reasons for several more days. If this would not be possible, perhaps you could you contact me at 301-773-___ or 301-773-_____ and we could discuss these issues over the telephone.


Ron Huber, director

Coastal Waters Project

* A Supplemental EIS was required after numerous deficiencies were found in the original EIS for this project.

Jan 23, 2024

Maine DEP officials involved in the 2023-2024 response to the GAC Chemical shoreline failures

The violent storms of December and January shattered many coastal structures and has ti riggered state nad federal response . But lacking from the   sites getting attentoin are Maine's coastal shoreland   legacy wastes  dumps   and pits, where the  unuseable byproducts of  19th and 20th century fertilizer and  paper mill chemicals production , along with   demolition debris from outdated factories onsite  were actually used to expand usefulable shore land over existing beaches   Those aging filled shores  that have not received regular  maintenance  and were not  part of local sealevel rise  planning  priorities have  not  weasthered well .

These are Maine DEP's staff from field investigators  to bureau chiefs  involved in the Dec 2023-Jan 2024 response to a BayWatch report of a failing industrial filled  industrial shoreline, harmed by powerful  midwinter storms and storm surges  in these  agency emails   extracted fro a much larger, but from two FOAAs filed 12/2723 and 01/09/24  with Maine DEP

Karen Knuuti. Env specialist Remediation &Waste Mgmt  941-4561

Susanne Miller,  director, DEP Waste Bureau  557-2700

Nicholas J. Hodgkins, Director, Division of Remediation
(207) 592-0882

Bob Shannon Remediation, Eastern Maine Regional Office

Chris Redmond, Voluntary Remediation Reporting: (VRAP) Chris Redmond 215-8597

David Chapman. Oil & HAZMAT Spec 287-7688 (DEP main #)
"[O]ver 14 years of experience in environmental investigation and remediation." 

Christopher Hopper, Director, Response Services, Central ME Reg  Office   816-0133

John Bucci,  Inspector, Remediation & Waste Management  557-1194

Carla Hopkins   Chemical Contaminated Soil Cleanup.  446-4366 

David Madore MDEP Deputy Commissioner 207-287-5842


DEP responses to crumbling GAC Chemical Shore December 2023 - January 2024. Verbal enforcement agreements?

Two informative Maine DEP email chains  of  12/2723 and 01/09/24 illuminate  the agency's responses to the collapses reported to them by Penobscort Bay Watch  along major portions  of  GAC Chemical's filled  shorelines in Searsport.   See list of the DEP officials in these emails and their missions

These are made available courtesy of  virtual newsers Pen Bay Pilot.

Importantly the emails reveal  DEP's  use of  "verbal agreements" to minimize their and the company's FOAA exposure - including to its insurers . Shielding the company from having its storm damaged coast officially (and expensively) acknowledged.  As if helping the company avoid becoming the poster child for mismanagement  of Maine's ever more  storm battered legacy industrial shorelines.


December 27, 2023   "Not a disaster"   Knuuti to Miller, Hodgkins, Shannon, Redmond, Chapman. cc'd to Hopper, Bucci, Hopkins  

January 9, 2024 

2:28 pm David Madore shares PenBayPilot's Lynda Clancy's ask for details His message: "?? See below" ..." 

Staff Response: "GAC has Agreed to Repair the Damage. No order is forthcoming."

310pm Madore: "Okay. Is it accurate to say we have a verbal agreement after speaking with them?"

Jan 7, 2024

Bay History 1992. Stockton Harbor tragedy: Looking back 12 years after they blocked half the harbor's circulation around Sears Island in Penobscot Bay.

 Three decades ago Cape Jellison resident Lorin Hollander voiced his observation and misgivings about the results to Stockton Harbor  of blocking  harbor circulation with the Sears Island causeway, twelve years after the fateful closure . Bangor Daily News 10/8/92

Jan 4, 2024

GAC Chemical 42 reported oil or haz waste incidents 1994 - 2020

Here are 43 Kidder Point oil or chemical waste   spills  reported to Maine DEP 1993 -  2020: 

* 23 reported by "GENERAL ALUM & CHEMICAL"  1993-2004 

Spill NumberReport DateTown/MCDLocationSpill TypeTank Type
B-2-1994Jan 3, 1994SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-64-1995Feb 7, 1995SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-395-1995Jul 20, 1995SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Oil IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-319-1996Jun 19, 1996SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-383-1996Jul 19, 1996SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-80-1997Feb 13, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-425-1997Aug 5, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-573-1997Oct 7, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-668-1997Nov 20, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-220-1998Apr 3, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-308-1998May 4, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-375-1998Jun 9, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-32-2000Jan 20, 2000SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-695-2000Nov 14, 2000SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL ...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-478-2001Aug 27, 2001SEARSPORT2GENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-62-2002Feb 5, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-297-2002May 28, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-434-2002Aug 20, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-656-2002Dec 10, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-345-2003Jul 20, 2003SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-556-2004Oct 14, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-627-2004Nov 17, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved

20  partly overlapping  "GAC Chemical"  spills reported to Maine DEP  2001-2020, by a slightly seperate name.

Spill NumberReport DateTown/MCDLocationSpill TypeTank Type
B-215-2001Apr 19, 2001SEARSPORTTRUCK LOADING AREA &am...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-478-2001Aug 27, 2001SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-496-2001Sep 7, 2001SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT ROADHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-174-2002Mar 20, 2002SEARSPORTACID LOADING AREA - GA...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-261-2002May 6, 2002SEARSPORTGAC CORP KIDDER POINT ...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-627-2004Nov 17, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-112-2005Mar 4, 2005SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-35-2008Jan 19, 2008SEARSPORTMONTREAL, MAINE & ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-291-2008May 25, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL 34 KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-356-2008Jun 22, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL FACILTITY...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-183-2009Mar 13, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Oil IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-306-2009May 11, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL COMPANY K...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-57-2010Feb 3, 2010SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT RDHazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-85-2010Feb 20, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CO KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-412-2010Aug 5, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL/MM&A ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-305-2011May 19, 2011SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-423-2012Aug 17, 2012SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-495-2013Sep 19, 2013SEARSPORTSPRAGUE ENERGY CORPORA...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-452-2014Aug 21, 2014SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-112-2020Mar 18, 2020SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP. 34 ...Oil IncidentNone

B-112-2005Mar 4, 2005SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-35-2008Jan 19, 2008SEARSPORTMONTREAL, MAINE & ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-291-2008May 25, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL 34 KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-356-2008Jun 22, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL FACILTITY...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-183-2009Mar 13, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Oil IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-306-2009May 11, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL COMPANY K...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-57-2010Feb 3, 2010SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT RDHazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-85-2010Feb 20, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CO KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-412-2010Aug 5, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL/MM&A ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-305-2011May 19, 2011SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-423-2012Aug 17, 2012SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-495-2013Sep 19, 2013SEARSPORTSPRAGUE ENERGY CORPORA...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-452-2014Aug 21, 2014SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone

Mar 18, 2020SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP. 34 ...Oil IncidentNone