
Nov 16, 2011

Belfasters speak out against DCP supertank plan. Audio.

At the November 15, 2011  Belfast City Council Meeting, three Belfast residents spoke out with their concerns about the proposed LPG super tank in nearby Searsport. And the City Councilors listened and replied. Listen to them, below.

City Council members questioned the speakers and  raised their own questions and concerns about how the project is moving along under the radar and whether or not the entire decision, with its many implications for Belfast, and other towns up and down Penobscot Bay, should rest with the small town of Searsport.

Council meeting introduction and Jane Sanford of Belfast(2 minutes)

Phyllis Coelho of Belfast  (5 minutes)

Belfast councilors discuss issues raised by Sanford and Coelho (15 minutes)

Peter Wilkinson of Belfast describes regional scale of issues, upcoming events. Councilors Q&A (19 minutes)

Jane Sanford  and close of discussion on DCP issues (1minute)

1 comment:

  1. Project is moving along under the radar and whether or not the entire decision. Lpg Gas Pipe Fitting Commercial
