Great News!
The megadredge plan for Searsport Harbor has been withdrawn!
The Army Corps of Engineers
sent this letter today to Maine DEP
The terse letter from Corps permit reviewer Barbara Blumeris's letter to Jim Beyer of Maine DEP says it all:
Mr. Jim Beyer, Regional Licensing Compliance Manager
Bureau of Land Quality, Maine Department
Eastern Maine Regional Office
106 Hogan Road Suite 6
Bangor, Maine 04401
Dear Mr. Beyer,
"The US Army Corps of Engineers and the Maine DOT are withdrawing the Water Quality Certification (WQC)/ Natural Resources Protection Act application for the Searsport Harbor , Searsport Maine navigation maintenance and improvement project. We may consider submitting a revised application for a Water Quality Certification at a later date. Thank you for your assistance and let us know if any additional information is required.
Barbara Blumeris, Project Manager
US Army Corps of Engineers/New England District
696 Virginia Road, Concord,
Massachusetts 01742
Phone (978) 318 873 7
Kim Ervin Tucker conquers the Corps once more! Thanks Kim!