Listen below to recorded interviews below of 3 Statoil officials, one consultant, a representative of the DeepCwind Consortium and a Seagrant staffer who mingeld with attendeees at a public information meeting held June 26th by Statoil at the Rockland Library's meeting hall, to describe its Hywind Maine Project to deploy 4 turbines between 12 to 15 miles offshore of Brunswick, Maine. The Seagrant staffer said zero members of the Maine fishing industry attended this event. Read Bangor Daily News coverage
The recorded interviews below have background sounds of conferees talking and are presented in the order that Ron Huber recorded them.
* Kari Hege Mork, Stakeholder manager 5 minutes 30 seconds
* Jennifer Daniels Tetratech (Enviro assessment consultant) 8 mi 45 sec.
* Kristin Aamodt, Statoil Project Manager 8 minutes 49 seconds
* Peter Marcus K Greve, Statoil Environmental Assessment mgr, 7 minutes 14 seconds
* Jake Ward educator, U Maine DeepCwind Consortium
* Sherman Hoyt Seagrant/A\Cooperative Extension 7 minutes 20 seconds
Earlier Statoil Hywind events audio
* 5/23/12, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management held a 20 minute public teleconference (mp3) after concluding its closed session meeting about Statoil's proposal
* 3/12/12 Statoil at 2012 Maine Fishermens Forum
The recorded interviews below have background sounds of conferees talking and are presented in the order that Ron Huber recorded them.

* Jennifer Daniels Tetratech (Enviro assessment consultant) 8 mi 45 sec.
* Kristin Aamodt, Statoil Project Manager 8 minutes 49 seconds
* Peter Marcus K Greve, Statoil Environmental Assessment mgr, 7 minutes 14 seconds
* Jake Ward educator, U Maine DeepCwind Consortium
* Sherman Hoyt Seagrant/A\Cooperative Extension 7 minutes 20 seconds
Earlier Statoil Hywind events audio
* 5/23/12, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management held a 20 minute public teleconference (mp3) after concluding its closed session meeting about Statoil's proposal
* 3/12/12 Statoil at 2012 Maine Fishermens Forum