The US Department of Energy wants to know what YOU think about their proposal to award tens of millions of dollars to the University of Maine for its Deepwater Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Testing and Demonstration Project, in waters 2 to 3 miles south of Monhegan Island.(the lower left corner of aerial photo)
Here are the documents that the federal agency will use to make its decision via an Environmental Assessment - PLUS whatever information you bring to them between now and June 9, 2011. Please read, think, mail comments to the DOE Golden Field Office, c/o Laura Margason, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401, or by email to
* Notice of Availability Public Notice from Dept of Energy about the below 3 things
* Draft Environmental Assessment A review of the environmental impacts that will arise from funding the DeepCwind Plan. Written after reviewing the agency and organizations letters and other scoping materials. 115 page pdf
* Draft EA Scoping Materials Letters from agencies, Maine Lobstermen's Association and Penobscot Bay Watch), about the issues that the Environmental Assessment should look into. 40 page pdf
* Consultation Letters Letters from agencies about protected living historic and archaeological resources in the waters proposed for the floating test windmills.
Related Information:
* Huber v Bureau of Parks & Lands Read about what is at risk at Monhegan and about the active lawsuit presently before Knox Superior Court contesting the state's granting a permit to the University off off Monhegan without considering the impact on irreplacement world class scenic vistas.used by generations of artists on Monhegan.
* Maine Deepwater Offshore Wind Report 2/23/11 University of Maine's recent study reviewing the DeepCwind plan and its possible impacts. (Split into chapters for easier reading)
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