
Feb 28, 2025

BDN March 31, 1944 Kidder Point's Wooden Factory Buildings of the 1940s Sulfuric acid and superphosphate fertilizer

Sulfuric Acid Plant 

The sulfuric acid plant consists of two pro
duction units of the Leonard-Monsanto Design. The older plant was constructed in 1944 with a design capacity of 60 T/D. The newer plant was constructed in 1956 with a design capacity of 100 T/D. 

Most of the processing equipment is housed in a 5,000 sq. ft. building of steel, brick, and transite construction. The building is in fair shape. 

The condition of the process equipiment ranges from bad to good. Some fumes (leaks) are noticeable and catwalks should be replaced. Unused equipment lies scattered around and the structural steel needs paint. 

The absorbing Tower in the older plant has a bottom leak. Repairing this tower is mandatory on the next shutdown, and this is a sizable job.

The new plant was constructed to facilitate the manufacture of superphosphate, an agricultural fertilizer component at the Summers Fertilizer Company. Searsport. But the capacity of the processing machinery exceeds the needs of the fertilizer plant and substantial amounts of the chemical will be available for use in other branches of Industry. 

Both plants which are now in full production were constructed by TW Cunningham Incorporated Bangor in record time. 

They were designed by ​Eat​on W Tarbell & Associates of the Cunningham ​Engineering staff and a​re the only industrial buildings in the world designed and made of glued laminated wood arch construction. They represent a departure from this type of building and are considered to be of the highest type of workmanship providing large unobstructed areas for handling bulk material. 

They represent a ​triumph in engineering skill and genius​, and are a tribute to the men who participated in their building. 

"​The use of plywood in all of its various forms has a bright future. We ourselves in the construction of this new plant​ ​utilized plywood arches with a diameter of 100 feet,  made of 42 plies of one inch by ​seven inch boards bound together with a new type of permanent glue,​ in the  the manufacture of which chemicals played a vital part

Feb 26, 2025

Maine Fishermen's Forum's Ocean Wind Exploitation meetings 2009 - 2024

Fishermen's Forum Offshore wind seminar  audio links and/or pdf files - (only partial as of yet)

2009 - 2013 AUDIO MP3s 

2009 Fishermen's Forum Ocean windpower meeting    ** 2009  Ocean Energy Forum 

2010 Fishermens Forum Ocean windpower meeting 

2011 Fishermens Forum Ocean windpower meeting


ff2013_022813_boem2.MP3  22M

2018?  2019? 2020? 2021? 2022?
2023  Wind Seminar Presentations  (PDF files, archived)

Fisheries and Offshore Wind Synthesis of the Science

Integrated Ecosystem Assessments Fisheries and Offshore Wind Development

Gulf of Maine Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Conceptual Model

Influence and Participate in Offshore Wind Research and Monitoring

The Importance of Fishery Engagement in Informing Offshore Wind Development

Wind Seminar Informational Links

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation

Maine Offshore Wind Research Consortium

Maine State Offshore Wind Roadmap

NOAA Integrated Resource Assessment

NOAA Socioeconomic Impacts of Atlantic Offshore Wind Development

NOAA State of the Northeast Ecosystem reports

NOAA Wind Farms and the Bottom Trawl Survey

Northeast Regional Ocean Council Ocean Use Maps

Responsible Offshore Development Alliance

Responsible Offshore Science Alliance

TETHYS Environmental Effects of Wind and Marine Renewable Energy

Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2020 Wind Seminar Page


2024 Maine Fishermens Forum 

Seminars on Wind  Energy    (PDF files)
The following PDF presentations were shared in Forum Seminars on February 29, March 1, & 2, 2024

Feb 23, 2025

Safe Cosmetics Act. Now more than ever. Public hearing on LD 317 Act to Enact the Safe Cosmetics Act

 On 2/22/25 the Maine Legislature's Environment and Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing on  LD317 An Act to Enact the Safe Cosmetics Act (pdf)  See bill summary  and written testimony below the audio links)

The bill passsed in the last legislative session but was not funded, so it is back.

Introduction by Representative Sophie Warren 8min50sec


Sarah Woodbury 3min49sec

Andy Hackman Personal Care Council & QA  7min32sec


MDEP Commissioner Melanie Loyzim_qa_8min22sec_.mp3


This bill enacts the Safe Cosmetics Act, which prohibits, beginning January 1, 2027,  the distribution, sale or offering for sale in this State of cosmetic products containing certain intentionally added ingredients, including, but not limited to, lead, mercury or  formaldehyde. 

A person distributing, selling or offering for sale a cosmetic product does not violate the Act if the cosmetic product contains only a technically unavoidable trace quantity of a prohibited ingredient due to impurities from a natural or synthetic ingredient  used in the manufacture of the cosmetic product, from the manufacturing process or from storage of the cosmetic product or due to migration of the ingredient from the packaging of the cosmetic product. 

When a retailer purchases cosmetic products from a manufacturer and it is later  determined that those cosmetic products contain ingredients that prohibit the retailer from distributing, selling or offering the product for sale pursuant to the Act, the retailer is entitled to a full refund from the manufacturer with respect to the product, including  shipping and other related costs.

Written testimony on LD 317. Click on their names for their testimony

Vanessa Berry
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Elizabeth Boulos
Cape Elizabeth
Valerie Caruso
 Melanie Loyzim
Department of Environmental Protection
Julius Vernesoni
Julius Vernesoni
 Rep. Sophie Warren
Maine State Legislature
 Sarah Woodbury
Defend Our Health
 Katie Wright
Personal Care Products Council

Feb 22, 2025

WRFR Feb 22, 2025 links Thursday  plus


it can't happen here wikipedia 

LD 317 Cosmetics and ending health risks - the bill) 

Bill Introduction 9min

Sara Woodbury  3min49sec

Andy Hackman

 Oppo Melanie Loyzim 8min 22sec 


Subliminals as a tool of  govt 1958 

AI  Julia 

Patent 3,060,795 1958 "Apparatus for Producing Visual Stimulation" Adding subliminals to visual media

From the United States Patent Office:
Patent # 3,060,795 (complete patent starting with the 14 figures pages) 

by Robert E. Corrigan, Garden Grove, Calif, and Hal C.
Becker, New Orleans, La., assignors to Preeon Process
and Equipment Corporation, New Orleans, La., a cor-
poration of Louisiana 
  See this patent's Figures 1 - 14

Filed May 7, 1958, Ser. No. 733,713   3 Claims. (Cl. 83-166)

The present invention relates to apparatus for produc-
ing visual stimulation at levels of awareness below that
ability of an observer to report the stimulus verbally.

More particularly, the present invention relates to appa-
ratus for imparting useful information to an observer by
subconscious stimulation and subsequently resulting in
conscious purposive behavior of said observer without his
awareness of the basis for such behavior, said apparatus
comprising means for stimulating said observer below his
conscious recognition level without said observer being
consciously aware of any change in his environmental
and physical status to impart information to said observer
at said subconscious recognition level and said observer
subsequently utilizing said information at the conscious
recognition level.

No efforts have heretofore been directed to imparting
useful information to an individual by stimulation solely
below the conscious recognition level, i.e., prior to the
individual’s ability to verbally report stimuli. 

Priorworkers in the general field utilized subconscious stimu-
lation only preliminarily and always continued through
to conscious recognition, thus positively changing the
environmental and physical status of the individual upon
whom the process was being applied.

Contrary to the above, the present invention depends
upon the proved fact that humans are endowed with at
least two levels of response, (1) the nonverbally report-
able levels of awareness that establish that point at which
stimuli will be verbally reportable, and (2) conscious
awareness, i.e., the ability to report verbally the world
around us.

A great aunount of experimental work has been con-
ducted in order to conclusively establish the fact that the
foregoing two levels of response do exist. In carrying
out these experiments, various types of apparatus as well
as various media of application, were used. 

For example,the experiments can be carried out by means of 
the tachistoscope, television, motion pictures, magic lantern 
devices, controlled flash procedures used with signs, con-
trolled temporal increase and decrease of brilliance of a
sign, and/or combinations of the foregoing with appro-
priate auditory stimulation, e.g., radio, telephone and

The above noted media can be used in various fields
of endeavor. As will be appreciated from a more com-
plete eonsideration of the invention, among the fields to
which the said invention is best applied, are 

(1) medicine, phychiatry and psychology (as a diagnostic and 
therapeutic tool); 

(2) education (as an aid in teaching at all
levels and, in particular, as a rehabilitative auxiliary in,
for example, juvenile delinquency);  

(3) advertising and marketing (as point of sale advertising 
technique and as mass advertising process);  

(4) propaganda and psychological warfare (conditioning 
civilian and military personnel, enemy aliens, prisoners 
of war,  or opposing forces or civilian population) and to 
counter “brainwashing”; 

(5) enhancement of motion pictures.

Our invention is particularly applicable to motion pic-
ture and television presentation. In this regard, it can
be appreciated that the average individual is far more
likely to come into contact with such media in the course
of his everyday life. 


Accordingly, the apparatus utilized by us in practicing 
our invention has been primarily concerned with the 
motion picture and television field.

With the above in mind, the principal object of the
present invention is to provide apparatus for the produc-
tion of visual stimulation at levels of awareness below that
ability of an observer to report the stimulus verbally, in
order to induce selective perception resulting in selective
overt response.

A more specific object of the invention is to provide
apparatus for imparting useful information to an observer
by subconscious stimulation and subsequently resulting in
conscious purposive behavior of said observer without his
awareness of the basis for such behavior, said apparatus
comprising means for stimulating said observer below his
conscious recognition level, without said Observer being
consciously aware of any change in his environment and
physical status, to impart information to said observer at
his subconscious recognition level and said observer sub-
sequently utilizing said information at the conscious rec-
ognition level.

A further object of the invention is to provide means
as described heretofore whereby information is projected
on a screen at such a temporal speed and/or light in-
tensity as to make the image of this information imper-
ceptible to the human eye, but, nevertheless, perceptible
to the subconscious level of awareness, i.e., subliminal,
and thereafter utilizing this information at the conscious
recognition level of the human mind.

Another object of this invention is to provide means
for imparting useful information to an observer by sub-
conscious stirnulation, said observer subsequently using
the said information, said means comprising means for
stimulating said observer below his conscious recognition

Without said observer being consciously aware of
any change in his environment and physical status to im-
part information to said observer at his subconscious rec-
ognition level, coincidentally (i.e., continuously or in an
interleaved fashion) imparting consciously recognizable
information to said observer, and said observer thereafter
utilizing the subconsciously presented information at the
conscious recognition level.

An additional object of this invention is to provide
means for producing a subconscious response in a human
being, said response being later utilized in the conscious
recognition level of said human being, said means com-
prising at least one motion picture projector adapted to
project both subliminal and supraliminal (consciously
recognizable) information on a motion picture screen at
predetermined levels of frequency presentation and light

Still further objects and the entire scope of applicability
of the present invention will become apparent from the
detailed description given hereinafter. 

It should be understood, however, that the detailed description 
and specific examples, while indicating the preferred embodi-
ments of the invention, are given by way of illustration
only, since various changes and modifications Within the
spirit and scope of the invention will become apparent
to those skilled in the art from this detailed description.

Reference is made to the accompanying drawings wherein:
NOTE: See  below Figures 1 through 14 at this link (pdf)

FIGURE 1 is a perspective view of a two-projector
modification of the invention;

FIGURE 1A is a top plan view of a stationary frame retaining
pressure plate;

FIGURE 2 is a top plan view of two synchronized projectors;

FIGURE 3 is a schematic illustration of the various loops and
supraliminal film showing the respective rela tionships thereof;

FIGURE 4 is a diagrammatic illustration of the phasing
of rotating shutters;



FIGURE 5 is an elevational view of shutters in the
phasing positions diagranimed in FIGURE 4;

FIGURE 6 is a block diagram of a light intensity
control cell;

FIGURE 7 is a side elevational view showing a pro-
jector for controlling ambient lighting conditions;

FIGURE S is a perspective view of one modification
of an assembly for use on a sinme projector;

FIGURE SA is a single projector modification em-
ploying an opaque sector;

IGURE 8B is a detail of a mirror mount for the
apparatus of FIGURE 8A;

FIGURE 8C is another single projector modification
of the polarizing disc type;

FIGURE 8D illustrates a modification of a standard
motion picture projector by attachment of a slide pro-

FIGURE 9 is a block diagram of television circuitry
embodying this invention;

FIGURE 9A illustrates a beam deflection hyperbolic
mask type of analog multiplier;

FIGURE 9B shows circuitry for the photoelectric cells
used with the apparatus of FIGURE 9A;

FIGURE 9C illustrates another type of analog multi-

FIGURE 9D shows still another type of analog multi-
plier and circuitry for applying this invention to either
audio or video transmitting or receiving systems;

FIGURE 10 is a perspective view of a sign board em-
bodying this invention;

FIGURES 10A and 10B are other embodiments of
stationary apparatus embodying this invention;

FIGURE 1 l is a top plan view illustrating one embodi-
ment of apparatus for applying the alpha rhythm fre-
quency concept to this invention;

FIGURE 12 is an elevational view of a rotating disc
for use in the apparatus of FIGURE ll;

FIGURE l3 is a perspective view of another embodi-
ment of alpha rhythm apparatus, and

FIGURE 14 is a perspective view of a magic lantern


This invention basically involves the following se-

Visual and/or auditory subject matter is pre-
sented to an individual at the non-verbally reportable
levels of awareness, i.c., at that point at which only
subconscious realization occurs.

As noted heretofore,
this subconscious visual or auditory presentation can be
carried out in a number of ways and is always carried out
without said individual being consciously aware of any
change in his environmental and physical status.

Generally speaking, visual stimulation may be carried
out by flashing the subliminal subject matter within the
vision of the individual involved, but at such temporal
duration, repetition rate, and/or light intensity as to
make the subject matter imperceptible to the conscious
level of awareness of said individual. 

Rather than intermittently flashing the subliminal subject 
matter, continuous temporal non-discrete presentation 
can be used as will be detailed hereinafter.

With respect to auditory stimulation, the presentation of
sound frequencies continuously or at extremely brief
duration times with low sound intensity levels may be
utilized. As can be appreciated, the subject matter is
presented in this way in order to penetrate the sub-
conscious awareness of the individual by way of auditory

In order to properly determine the fact that a sub-
conscious level of perception exists, and to evaluate
results obtained, a series of experiments were conducted
wherein individuals were subjected to certain tests in-
vestigating the reliability and validity of selected visual,
verbal and motor responses as indicators of personal
values in perception.

Three experimental procedureswere used, namely:
(a) the word association technique,



(b) the tachistoscopic technique, and
(c) the Luria motor technique.

Subjects were practiced to respond with a preferred
hand by voluntary depression of a key depressor simul-
taneously with their verbal response in the word associa-
tion and the tachistoscopic technique. 

Graphic tracingswere recorded and analyzed into four distinct 
indices measuring motor response between the application of the
stimulus matter, either visual or auditory, and the point of
completion of key depressing activity by the preferred hand.

The words presented in the word association and ta-
chistoscopic technique were identical. Three categories
of words were used as the subject matter and represented
three degrees of increased judged emotional implications.

The individuals utilized were drawn from various fields
of study and were tested both with pre-knowledge of the
words used and without pre-knowledge thereof.

For the tachistoscopic phase the subjects were initially
presented the stimulus words at a point below the main
conscious level for words of little or no emotional implication. 

Tachistocopic presentations were then made in
constant time increments for all categories of stimulus
words and for all individuals, up to the point of correct

As a result of experiments as outlined heretofore, it
was established that individuals were influenced in sig-
nificantly greater amounts the further the distance from
conscious awareness.

Further, it was shown that idividuals selectively respond
 to stimulus words of increased judged emotion (such as 
“rape” as compared to“water"), prior to their ability to report 
orally the correct stimulus word, i.e., at a subconscious 
recognition level of awareness. 

These tests seemingly evidenced the factthat a subconscious 
recognition cognitive process including discrimination, 
evaluation, integration and organization, actually does occur 
at such recognition levels. 

Such cognitive process is believed to operate prior to one’s
ability to consciously report the most neutral of visual
stimuli and is the basis for our novel process and apparatus,

To wit, the utilization of subconscious recognition
levels of awareness to iniluence subsequent conscious be-

In line with the above, other experiments were con-
ducted, as for example, conditioning neutral word stimuli
with palmar shock at levels of awareness below the abil-
ity to correctly report the presented stimulus word. The
results of such further experiments corroborate the ex-
periments described heretofore.

Based on the conclusions noted heretofore, it has been
proved that individuals perceive at non-reportable levels
of, awareness. With this in mind, the process and appara-
tus of this invention were developed to impart informa-
tion to individuals at the subconscious level, sueh informa-
tion subscqucntly being utilized at a conscious level.

As an example, subjects were presented problems to
solve in three separate steps under conditions such that
half of these subjects (the experimental group) were
presented the solutions to the problems at the subconscious
level of recognition, and the other half of the subjects
(the control group) were presented a series of XXXXX’s
at the subconscious level of recognition.

The times required for problem solution by subjects in the
experimental and control groups were recorded. Problem
solution times required by subjects in the experimental group
(those who were presented the solution subliminally)
were significantly shorter (shorter by 50%) than the solu-
tion times required by the subjects of the control group
who were presented meaningless material subliminally
(i.e., presented the series of XXXXX’s subliminally).

A part of this invention is the discovery that the en-
vironmental conditions surrounding the presentation of
the subliminal and supraliminal material to the subject
have an effect on the results obtained. One aspect of
this point involves the fact that the character of the

Stockton Harbor restoration plan. A draft framework

  1. Here is a swift outline of  measures for reviving Stockton Harbor aka Esssq

  2. Introduction Why restoration matters
  • Brief description of Stockton Harbor's location and importance
  • past and present bathymetry charts at various scales
  • Current ecological status

  1. Historical Timeline

  • Pre-industrial period
  • Early industrial development
  • Major industrial facilities (Northern Chemical, GAC Chemical etc.)
  • Key environmental events/incidents
  1. Current Environmental Issues
  • Shoreline erosion and waste discharge
  • Nearby causeway's flow blockage
  • Sediment contamination
  • Impact on estuarine life and shellfish
  • Water quality concerns
  1. Restoration Goals
  • Short-term priorities
  • Long-term objectives
  • Measurable targets
  1. Proposed Solutions
  • Shoreline stabilization
  • Contaminated sediment remediation
  • Habitat restoration
  • Water quality improvement
  1. Implementation Strategy
  • Phasing of work
  • Stakeholder roles
  • Funding options
  • Monitoring plan

Sears Island Joint Use Committee planning links

Jul 11, 2007 Sears Island Joint Use Committee takes first steps. updated

 August 2007 Maine Natural Areas Program report to JUPC


Jan 28, 2008

Feb 6, 2008 Sears Island: state trying to avoid Section 4(f) future EIS on latest cargoport proposal?

Apr 22, 2008  Sears Island: Legislature says - Fix JUPC plan and get back to us in December

Apr 29, 2008   Sears Island: Natural Areas Program says 'Nothing special here, JUPC, party on!'.

May 20, 2008  Sierra Club Path to Salvation on Sears Island   

May 21, 2008 Sears Island - the Deal of Shame. Word by word.

Aug 26, 2008 Sears Island - JUPC rides again - Sept 5th noon.

Oct 1, 2008   SI JUPC meets10/3/08, noon. Shall the sacrifice zone stay off the table?

October 20, 2008

November 12, 2008  Sears Island - JUPC bails out, legislators to vote 11/18/08

Jan 28, 2009 Mitigation Bankers to meet soon in Searsport - last step before divvying up Sears Island