Saturday 2025 Seminar Schedule and Descriptions
9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. (Golf Club)
Maine Elver Fisherman’s Association Annual Meeting
The 2025 annual meeting for the Maine Elver Fisherman’s Association at the Fishermen’s Forum provides an important opportunity where trends and data regarding the American Eel and Maine’s Glass Eel fishery are presented. This venue provides for everyone from Harvesters to Regulators and Market Participants to gather in one place. Up to date Information will be presented by Dwayne Shaw of Downeast Salmon Federation about large-scale habitat restoration projects including dam removals and fish passage improvement in several river systems in Maine which will impact American Eel. There will be Information presented about market demand in the U.S. and Canada by Mitchell Feigenbaum, who also sits on the American Eel Advisory Panel for Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Our other Panelists from Maine Department of Marine Resources including Commissioner Pat Keliher will provide updates from the management and law enforcement perspective and any potential changes in regulation that may affect the industry moving forward. DMR Scientist Jason Bartlett will present data from his work catching and counting eels at one of the few official survey sites in Maine. We feel these Panelists cover a wide range of issues regarding the American Eel and Maine’s unique and valuable Glass Eel Fishery. With discussions and information presented from industry participants ranging from what is happening in our local rivers with Eels and their ecosystem, to what is happening internationally with harvest and market demand, this session will provide an educational opportunity for folks with an in person venue. Thank you,MEFA
Seminar Host Director: Mary Beth Tooley
Moderator: Jeffery Pierce, Maine Elver Fisherman’s Association Spokesperson
Megan Ware, Maine Department of Marine Resources Director of External Affairs
Patrick Keliher, Maine Department of Marine Resources Commissioner
Mitchell Feiganbaum, Vice President Delaware Valley Fisherman’s Company, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel member
Dwayne Shaw, Executive Director Down East Salmon Federation
Jason Bartlett Maine Department of Marine Resources Scientist
9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. (Rockland Room)
Safety at Sea: Monitoring Channel 16 and Related Topics
This session is being presented under the auspices of the Maine Commercial Fishing Safety Council. Through this session, the Council intends to increase awareness of the importance and necessity of monitoring Channel 16. Lt Lindsey will review search and rescue operations and USCG Command Center procedures. He will discuss Rescue 21, the communications system that monitors Channel 16. Other panelists will review a draft of the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessels Best Safety Practices Guide, developed by the National Commercial Fishing Safety Advisory Committee (April 2024), review casualty data for USCG District 1, and discuss safety practices and training. We will engage the audience in a discussion around safe practices in Maine fisheries and aquaculture. Several safety items will be raffled-off during the session.
Seminar Host Director: Tom Duym
Moderator: Sgt. Mark Murry, Marine Patrol Sergeant
Lt. William Lindsey, Command Center Chief, USCG Sector Northern New England
Ann Backus, Instructor in Occupational Health, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
Josh Duym, Owner, REDDE Marine Safety
9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. (Rockport Room)
Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative Annual Report
The Maine Lobster fishery is facing many challenges throughout the supply chain. MLMC will address the ways that the organization works with fishermen, dealers and processors to design and implement marketing programs that address challenges and take advantage of opportunities to create demand for Maine Lobster. We will review results from the 2024 campaign and discuss strategic and tactical plans for 2025. Audience members will have ample opportunity to ask questions and gain a greater understanding of the role marketing plays in the Maine Lobster fishery.
Seminar Host Director: Katie Werner
Marianne LaCroix, executive director, Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative
Kara Morrison, marketing manager, Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative
Brian Langley, owner, Union River Lobster Pot Restaurant & MLMC President
Amanda Clayman, VP, Weber Shandwick
Amy Tessendorf, senior VP, Weber Shandwick
Josh Seifert, VP, Weber Shandwick
9:00 a.m. -10:15 a.m. (Camden Room)
Expanding Maine’s Seafood Economy: Aquaculture Production, Distribution, and Consumer Preferences
Maine’s aquaculture production of bivalve shellfish has more than quadrupled over the past decade. This owes to early efforts to build market relationships and a reputation for high-quality products. With the rapid pace of growth in the recent decade combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing concern for market competition. Is the market becoming too saturated to the point where the growers cannot sell their products, or must accept a severe price drop? What are the challenges for expanding Maine’s seafood economy? What opportunities exist? The Maine Aquaculture Association, University of Maine, Maine Sea Grant, and Gulf of Maine Research Institute have partnered to answer these questions by exploring industry needs, supply chain logistical challenges, and consumer preferences. The seminar panelists will share findings from the past 3 years of collaboration and discuss the post-pandemic new normal and pathways for expanding Maine’s seafood economy.
Seminar Host Director: Michelle Brown
Christian Brayden, Project Manager, Maine Aquaculture Association
Kanae Tokunaga, Senior Research Scientist, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Kat Maltby, Assistant Research Scientist, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Caroline Noblet, Associate Professor, University of Maine
Keith Evans, Associate Professor, University of Maine
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Golf Club)
Downeast Lobstermen’s Association Meeting
This meeting of DELA will take up the issues of the marine industry. This is concerning the Downeast sector for the subject of survival within the fishery. All are welcome to attend. We also encourage all that are also interested in joining the Downeast Lobstermen’s Association.
Seminar Host Director: Sheila Dassett
10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. (Rockland Room)
Maine Fisheries: A History
Join us to look at some history of Maine’s commercial fishing and sea farming businesses and the perspective the past can give to Maine’s present working waterfronts. Robin Alden and Dana Morse will start at pre-colonial times, but focus on the stunning changes that have taken place over the last 50 years. We’ll have old photos and plenty of time for your memories and observations.
Seminar Host Director: Jen Levin
Moderator: Togue Brawn, Downeast Dayboat
Robin Alden, Former Commissioner of the Maine Department of Marine Resources , Founder of the Center for Maine Coastal Fisheries, Co-founder of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum
Dana Morse, University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Sea Grant
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Rockport Room)
Maine DMR Lobster Science Update
Over 80% of American lobster landings in the US come from the Maine lobster fleet. The Maine DMR Lobster Monitoring and Research Program collects demographic data on the Gulf of Maine lobster population at different life stages through multiple long-term monitoring surveys including the Landings Program, Settlement Survey, Inshore Trawl Survey, Commercial At-Sea Sampling, Ventless Trap Survey, and Larval Survey. These data are used in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission American Lobster Stock Assessment to inform the management of this valuable fishery. Maine DMR staff will provide the annual update of all monitoring programs, new research, and discuss trends over time.
Seminar Host Director: Melissa Smith
Moderator: Kathleen Reardon, Lead Lobster Fishery Biologist, Maine DMR
Robyn Linner – Lead for ME/NH Trawl Survey, Maine DMR
Robert Russell – Coordinator for Settlement Survey, Maine DMR
Kristyn Kleman – Coordinator for Ventless Trap and Sea Sampling, Maine DMR
Heather Glon – Lead Lobster Research Biologist, Maine DMR
Anita Murray – Lead Passive Acoustic Monitoring Scientist, Maine DMR
Briony Donahue – Gear Library Coordinator, Maine DMR
Nathan Willse, Lobster Fishery Analyst, Maine DMR
10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. (Camden Room)
Growing Careers: A Look into Maine’s Aquaculture Apprenticeship Programs
Maine is home to the nation’s first-ever registered Aquaculture Apprenticeship, a one-of-a-kind program that has attracted applicants locally and nationally. The apprenticeship blends practical on-the-water experience and technical training, creating opportunities for young people to establish fulfilling careers in aquaculture while supporting Maine’s working waterfronts. This session will feature a sneak preview of a short film about the apprenticeship, premiering in the spring, followed by an engaging panel discussion with program apprentices and host farmers. Panelists will share personal experiences, highlighting the program’s impact on their career development and the aquaculture sector. With workforce development as a top priority for the fishing and aquaculture sectors, this seminar provides insights into how initiatives like the apprenticeship can strengthen Maine’s working waterfronts and support the next generation of marine stewards.
Seminar Host Director: Sebastian Belle
Moderator: Trixie Betz, Outreach & Development Specialist, Maine Aquaculture Association
Katherine Lipp, Community Engagement Coordinator & Aquaculture Apprentice Graduate, Maine Aquaculture Association
Kelly Morgan, Aquaculture Apprentice at Ferda Farms
Michael Scannell, Aquaculture Apprentice at Madeleine Point Oyster Farm & Aquaculture Pre-Apprenticeship Graduate
Andrew Hoffman, Aquaculture Apprentice at Bangs Island Mussels & Aquaculture Pre-Apprenticeship Graduate
Brendan Parsons, Owner and Founder of Blackstone Point Oyster Co, Apprenticeship Host Farmer
1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. (Golf Club)
Alewife Harvesters Annual Meeting
Annual Business Meeting, followed by presentation for mike Brown on the state of the river herring fisheries & the opening of the 5 New River Herring Runs. Dr Wills on the Progress with Dam removal, Updates from ASMFC and other Managers.
Seminar Host Director: Mary Beth Tooley
Moderator: Jeffrey Pierce Executive Director ,Alewife Harvesters of Maine
Mike Thalhauser, Scientist, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Bailey Bowden, Dirctor Alewife harverts of Maine
Mike Brown,Fisheries Scientist, MDMR
Dr. Theo Wills, Scientist, MDMR
1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. (Rockland Room)
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: Advancing Science with Industry Partners
Atlantic bluefin tuna are a large highly migratory species found throughout the north Atlantic basin. They support both commercial and recreational fisheries from Maine to Texas and like most exploited marine species, are exceptionally difficult to assess to determine stock status and set appropriate quotas. In the last decade, what we’ve learned about bluefin life history has increased exponentially, due almost entirely to industry cooperation including commercial and recreational permit holders and commercial dealers. Through these partnerships we know so much more about where tuna caught in the Gulf of Maine were spawned, where they travel throughout the year, how old they are, how their diet has changed and finally, groundbreaking research to estimate population size using genetics. This talk will highlight how critical industry cooperation was to this research, what those outcomes are, and the role industry can play as the full potential of genetic technology comes online.
Seminar Host Director: Melissa Smith
Moderator: Melissa Smith, Maine DMR
Walt Golet, Assistant Professor, University of Maine, Orono
Blaise Jenner, Highly Migratory Species Program, Maine DMR
1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. (Rockport Room)
Marketing and Building the Maine Seafood Brand
The Gulf of Maine’s cold, clean waters produce some of the best seafood in the world. Marketing and building the Maine Brand are crucial to growing and sustaining thriving coastal communities and economies. Seafood offers opportunity, contributing roughly 3.2 billion dollars to the state’s economy in 2019 (SEA Maine). There’s potential for additional growth in sales/revenue including national and international recognition for Maine’s high-quality fresh, frozen, and value-added seafood products. Efforts to market Maine seafood are expanding, and with that, consumer interest and demand are growing. However, there is strong competition in the marketplace, which further underscores the need for Maine seafood to have a robust and sustainable marketing program. The panel will feature a range of entities actively working to promote Maine seafood and build the Maine Seafood Brand. A summary of what each entity does, how they work together to amplify rather than duplicate efforts will be shared, as well as how industry has benefitted from these collaborative efforts.
Seminar Host Director: Gayle Zydlewski
Moderator: Keri Kaczor, Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development Program Manager, Maine Sea Grant
Marianne LaCroix, Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative
Emily Lane, Maine Center for Entrepreneurs; Maine Seafood Promotion Council Co Chair
Togue Brawn, Downeast Dayboat; Maine Seafood Promotion Council Co Chair
Christian Brayden, Maine Aquaculture Association
Alicia Gaiero, Nauti Sisters Sea Farm
Kyle Foley, Gulf of Maine Research Institute
1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. (Camden Room)
Aquaculture From Around the Globe “Opportunities for Maine”
“Maine’s wild fisheries and aquaculture sector are faced with many challenges (the loss of a fishery, regulatory change or the unprecedented challenges posed by climate change) the list goes on. To ensure the survival and prosperity of Maine’s waterfront communities, constant adaptation and evolution of these industries is not just an option – it’s a necessity. One of the most effective strategies to drive industry growth is through “technology transfer.” Maine has leveraged technology transfer exchanges with great success in recent years to introduce new (native) species, technologies, culture techniques, equipment, market development and culinary uses for emerging species of shellfish and kelp. In this session each speaker will present their tech transfer findings in the Japanese style of presentation “PechaKucha”. This format involves each speaker sharing 20 slides, 20 seconds on each slide, with the slides advancing automatically. Each presentation will convey the experiences and lessons learned via photos with the speaker’s voice as the backdrop. Presentations will include Australian oysters, West Coast shellfish, kelp farming in Alaska and Japan, scallop farming in Japan and Atlantic Canada, wild scallop harvesting in France. Participants will enjoy a fast-paced colorful tour of aquaculture practices from around the world and come away feeling inspired and hopeful for the future of Maine’s aquaculture industry. Each presentation will include a brief Q&A opportunity.
Seminar Host Director: Hugh Cowperthwaite
Moderator: Hugh Cowperthwaite, Senior Program Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI)
Alicia Gaiero, Owner, Nauti Sisters Sea Farm
Kyle Pepperman, Associate Director, Downeast Institute
David Leith, Maine Family Seafarm Coop
Hugh Cowperthwaite, Senior Program Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI)
Dana Morse, Senior Extension Program Manager, Aquaculture Lead Maine Sea Grant and University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Connor O’neil, Owner, Maine Island Aquaculture
Togue Brawn, Founder/Owner, Downeast Dayboat;
2:45 p.m. (Golf Club)
Maine Lobster Boat Racing Association Meeting
This is the final get together before the start of the Maine lobster boat races in June. Any changes that were made at the annual meeting in October will be discussed as well as any new business.
Seminar Host Director: Katie Werner
Moderator:Dana Beal, President, Maine Lobster Boat Racing Association
2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Rockland Room)
Maine’s Blue Economy Task Force
Last year, the legislature passed a bill establishing a Blue Economy Task Force to support Maine’s emergence as a center for blue economy innovation and opportunity in the 21st century. “Blue Economy” means business sectors that rely on the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic health, improved livelihoods, jobs or ecosystem health. As directed, the Task Force completed its work and delivered a report to the legislature on February 1, 2025. This session will provide an overview of the Task Force’s work and recommendations, describe how it addressed the needs and opportunities in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, and what its vision represents for the future of Maine’s coastal communities. Members of the consulting team that led this work will be joined by Task Force members to discuss the process, outcomes, and future of this work and take questions from the audience.
Seminar Host Director: Sebastian Belle
Moderator: Laura Singer, Principal SAMBAS Consulting
Michael Conathan, Managing Partner, Upwell Collaborative
Ben Martens, Executive Director, Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association
Sebastian Belle, Executive Director, Maine Aquaculture Association
Ben Conniff, Chief Innovation Officer, Luke’s Lobster
Nick Battista, Chief Policy Officer, Island Institute
2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Rockport Room)
Health and Safety Preparedness for Fishermen
The safety of fishermen and their vessels can be significantly improved through advanced preparation and training. This session will feature firsthand accounts from fishermen who have faced serious safety challenges and those who have successfully completed safety training. Participants will gain valuable insights into available safety training programs, equipment maintenance services, life jackets, and first aid techniques. Additionally, two lucky attendees will have the chance to win a life jacket, generously donated by Hamilton Marine.
Seminar Host Director: Maggie Raymond
Moderator: Maggie Raymond, Maine Fishermen’s Forum
Captain Robert Roberge, F/V Three Girls
Tim Barrett, F/V Justice
Captain Clint Prindle, USCG District One Chief of Staff
John Roberts, Director Safety Training, Fishing Partnership Support Services
Tyler Robillard, Commercial Fisherman
Tom Dyum, Fisheries Education Specialist, Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries
Pat Shepard, Redde Marine
Shannon Eldredge, Fishing Partnership Support Services
2:45 p.m. -4:30 p.m. (Camden Room)
Decarbonizing Maine’s Working Coastline
The transportation sector represents the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, with maritime activities comprising a significant portion of these outputs. As climate change intensifies, commercial fishing and maritime industries must develop comprehensive decarbonization strategies that are both technically feasible and economically viable. This abstract explores emerging technological solutions for electrifying maritime operations, with a specific focus on Maine’s working waterfronts. Recent innovations are creating unprecedented opportunities for commercial fishermen and aquaculturists to transition toward more sustainable practices through targeted investments in green technologies. Innovative financing mechanisms are now supporting this critical transition. The Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI) Marine Green Loans program offers specialized funding for climate-friendly projects, including vessel retrofitting, electric marine engines, battery systems, solar charging infrastructure, and efficiency-enhancing technologies. These loans enable maritime professionals to implement cutting-edge solutions across multiple domains: vessel propulsion, cargo handling, shore-side infrastructure, and energy storage. Collaborative efforts between public and private sectors are driving technological advancements in electric boat technologies, hybrid propulsion systems, and comprehensive maritime decarbonization strategies. By leveraging expert knowledge, grant opportunities, and innovative financing, Maine’s maritime industries can play a pivotal role in the broader energy transformation while maintaining economic competitiveness and environmental responsibility.
Seminar Host Director: Hugh Cowperthwaite
Moderator: Phoebe Walsh, Center for Maine Economy, Island Institute
Lia Morris, Senior Community Development Officer, Island Institute
Nick Planson, Founder, Shred Electric
Nick Branchina, Director Fisheries & Aquaculture, Coastal Enterprises Institute
Steve Train, Captain, F/VMarcia and F/V Edward L Train
Alicia Gaiero, Owner, Nauti Sisters
Noah Oppenheim, Principal, Homarus Strategies
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