
Dec 17, 2024

Gulf of Maine currents and their connectivity. A summary.

A step by step  systematic analysis of  Gulf of Maine currents and their interconnections, including potential wind farm impacts. 


1. Eastern Maine Coastal Current (EMCC)
Strong, cold current flowing southwestward from Bay of Fundy
Speed: typically 15-30 cm/s
Highly turbulent, well-mixed
Critical for nutrient transport

Potential wind farm impacts:
Reduced current velocity from wind energy extraction
Altered mixing patterns affecting nutrient distribution
Changes in larval transport

2. Western Maine Coastal Current (WMCC)
Weaker continuation of EMCC
More stratified than EMCC
Speed: typically 5-15 cm/s
Significant seasonal variation
Potential wind farm impacts:
Increased mixing could disrupt natural stratification
Wake effects could alter plankton distribution
Changes in temperature structure


1. Jordan Basin Gyre
Cyclonic (counterclockwise) circulation
Important for deep water renewal
Influenced by slope water intrusion
New research shows unique seasonal temperature patterns
Potential wind farm impacts:
Altered vertical mixing affecting deep water properties
Changed nutrient cycling
Modified stratification patterns

2.Wilkinson Basin Gyre
Similar to Jordan Basin but with distinct characteristics
Important for water mass exchange
Strong seasonal variation
Potential wind farm impacts:
Changed circulation patterns
Altered deep water properties
Modified stratification

3. Franklin Basin Gyre
Smaller than Jordan and Wilkinson
Important for local mixing
Connects to other basin systems
Potential wind farm impacts:
Local circulation changes
Modified mixing patterns


6. Nova Scotian Coastal Current
Brings fresh water from Scotia Shelf
Critical for stratification
Strong seasonal signal
Potential wind farm impacts:
Altered freshwater transport
Changed stratification patterns
Modified nutrient distribution

7. Slope Water
Warm, saline water entering via Northeast Channel
Critical for nutrient input
Three-month transit time to Jordan Basin
Potential wind farm impacts:
Changed mixing with shelf water
Altered nutrient transport
Modified temperature patterns


Georges Bank Circulation
Strong tidal mixing
Important for fisheries
Complex frontal systems
Potential wind farm impacts:
Changed mixing patterns
Altered frontal dynamics
Modified nutrient distribution

Bay of Fundy Gyre
World's highest tides
Critical for mixing
Important whale habitat
Potential wind farm impacts:
Modified tidal mixing
Changed upwelling patterns
Altered whale feeding grounds


Shelfbreak Front
Separates shelf and slope waters
Important for productivity
Strong seasonal variation
Potential wind farm impacts:
Changed front position
Modified mixing patterns
Altered nutrient exchange

Tidal Mixing Fronts
Important for productivity
Strong seasonal signal
Critical fish habitat
Potential wind farm impacts:
Changed front locations
Modified mixing intensity
Altered habitat characteristics


1. Climate Change Interactions:
Gulf warming faster than 99% of global ocean
Changed stratification patterns
Modified current strengths
Wind farm impacts could either amplify or moderate these changes

2. Anthropogenic Pressures:
Fishing pressure
Pollution inputs
Habitat modification
Wind farms add another layer of complexity

Detailing potential wind farm impacts to GOM currents.


1. Wind Energy Extraction Effects
Reduced wind speeds extending 35-70km downstream
Weakened surface current velocities
Changed upwelling/downwelling patterns
Modified surface mixing intensity

2. Wake Effects
Creation of turbulent zones
Formation of circulation dipoles
Altered plankton distribution patterns
Modified surface temperature patterns

1. Stratification Changes
Disrupted temperature layering
Modified density boundaries
Altered seasonal mixing patterns
Changed nutrient distribution

2. Mixing Zone Effects
Enhanced vertical mixing at turbine sites
Modified thermocline depth and strength
Changed internal wave patterns
Altered frontal boundary positions


1. Basin Circulation Changes
Modified gyre strengths and patterns
Altered deep water renewal
Changed bottom water properties
Shifted nutrient cycling patterns


1. Current Interactions
Modified current strengths and paths
Changed intersection points of currents
Altered exchange between current systems
Modified tidal mixing patterns

2. Biological Responses
Changed larval transport patterns
Shifted feeding ground locations
Modified migration pathways
Altered habitat characteristics


Dec 15, 2024

Penobscot Bay's Tectonic History, September 1995.

A look at the geologic history of Penobscot Bay.  September 18, 1995
By:David B. Stewart  John D. Ungerl, & Deborah R. Hutchinson USGS , Reston, Wrginia 22092, U.S.A. and U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, U.S.A.

Summary  Early Paleozoic amalgamation of composite terranes was contemporaneous at widely separated regions that were later accreted to either ancestral North America or to Gondwana as those two continents approached each other. 

Terranes closer to Laurentia amalgamated in the Late Cambrian to Middle Ordovician Penobscottian orogeny and were accreted to ancestral North America in the Middle and to Late Orodovician Taconic orogeny. 

Peri Gondwanan terranes formed from Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician rocks were amalgamated in the Late Ordovician and Early Silurian to form the Salinic orogenic belt, now exposed from western Europe to southem New England. 

Salinic orogenic activity involved extensive thrust faulting and metamorphism, large strike-slip faults, and plutonism, all of which are represented in coastal Maine.

 In the Penobscot Bay region, Maine, the peri-Gondwanan St. Croix terrane was thrust northwest in the Silurian(?) upon middle amphibolite facies Ordovician and Early Silurian rocks of the Fredericton trough. Seismic reflection profiles show that the thrust fault dips  southeasterly at -30° and becomes listric at about 13 1 2 km. 

The thrust sheet was broken initially by the Late Silurian Penobscot Bay-Smith Cove-North Blue Hill dextral strike-slip fault which juxtaposed the peri-Gondwanan Ellsworth terrane, followed by emplacement of the South Penobscot Intrusive Suite and by a sequence of strike-slip fault Zones each with up to 20 km of dextral Silurian and Early Devonian(’I) movement. 

The strike-slip faults are interpreted to either remain steep until they reach the sole of the thrust sheet or to become listric within the thrust sheet. 

In the Devonian Acadian orogeny, more outboard terranea with Gondwanan aflinitics, like the Avalonian terranes in southem New Brunswick and in eastem Massachusetts, were amalgamated with the Silurian orogenic belt, and the resulting composite terrane was accreted to ancestral North America. Acadian deformation, metamorphism, and plutonism are superimposed on the Silurian orogen, blurring or obliterating the evidence of Silurian orogeny.

End abstract

Sears Island Geologic Fault Investigation Results 1976

March 19, 1976
  (263 page pdf; Maps start pg 41
by John R. Rand, Consulting Geologist
Robert G. Gerber, Geologist, Central Maine Power Company for Maine Nuclear Power Station Central Maine Power Company
Augusta, Maine  19 March 1976

Executive Summary

During the course of geologic studies for Central Maine Power Company’s proposed nuclear
power plant on Sears Island in Searsport, Maine, a northeasterly trending, highly weathered rock
zone was inferred about 1,000 feet (300 m.) from the reactor site. 

From April through November 1975, an investigation was conducted centering around two large trenches across the trend of the weathered zone. This report is a summary of the results and interpretations of the investigations performed.
The trenches exposed an ancient fault zone containing highly weathered phyllitic rock. In the
more westerly of the two large trenches, this weathered rock material had locally intruded and
caused minor deformation of Laurentide lodgment till. 

In the more easterly trench, a small bedrock reverse offset was found on the east wall with associated disturbance of overlying glacial till. On the west wall of the easterly trench, a small monoclinal flexure was found at the  till/bedrock interface. 

The investigators conclude that the bedrock fault zone experienced its last tectonic movement in Pre-Cenozoic time. 

The deformation of the tills over the fault zone is interpreted to have occurred approximately 13,500 to 12,800 years ago as a result of the weaker,  weathered rock having been squeezed between the adjacent harder bedrock masses. 

This squeezing produced either a forceful intrusion of highly weathered material into the till or an
arching of somewhat more competent but still relatively weaker rock in the fault zone. 

The squeezing and arching was a result of 1) lateral stress relief of the harder bedrock into the softer
fault zone materials during glacial unloading and/or

 2) a horizontal stress against the weaker fault zone rock through southeasterly directed base shear and stress distribution from the weight of a glacial lobe advance during the final overall glacial recession.

There is no evidence to indicate a tectonic origin of the till deformation.

John R. Rand, consulting geologist and Maine Certified Geologist #2, directed the investigation
and mapping of the bedrock geology and is a co-author of this report. Robert G. Gerber,
geologist for Central Maine Power Company and Maine Certified Geologist #110, directed the
investigation and mapping of the surficial geology and is a co-author of this report.

Dec 14, 2024

wrfr 12/14/24


Mapping the Patriarchy in Conservation

Leonie Bossert, Tom Crompton, Anwesha Dutta, Joni Seager
Biodiversity, Volume 3, Article 38, 12 December 2024

Iyt can't happen here sinclair lewis

Dec 11, 2024

Gulf of Maine stratification and windturbines

• Offshore wind farms can impact hydrodynamics
in the surrounding ocean in two principal ways:

 1) through an atmospheric wake effect that reduces
wind speeds behind wid turbines that can
reach the ocean surface, reducing surface wind
stress and wind-induced currents, and

 2) through subsurface mixing induced by the presence 
of the turbine substructure within the water column.

• Hydrodynamics and wind wake effects around
offshore wind turbines are driven by physical
ocean processes including tides, stratification,
water depth, and wind-driven currents; and atmospheric
processes such as turbulence and stability,
all of which have significant natural variation.

• Changes in surface currents and sea surface
temperatures caused by turbines in European
windfarms (e.g., North Sea) are small enough that
they can be difficult to isolate from other sources
of natural variability.

• Although studies from the North Sea suggest that
wind turbines could cause mixing and disrupt
the tratification of ocean waters, wind turbines
in the Mid-Atlantic Bight are unlikely to have
much influence on summer stratification, which
is significantly stronger than the weakly stratified
waters of the North Sea.

• Due to the distinct oceanographic differences
between the North Sea and the Western North
Atlantic Ocean (and among regions therein),
impacts of wind turbines in one region are not
necessarily directly transferrable to other regions.

• Increased turbulent mixing caused by wind
turbines may enhance nutrient mixing and
stimulate primary production, in turn enhancing
zooplankton abundance, including copepods.

However, if turbulence levels are significant and
cause sediment resuspension, primary production
may decrease due to reduced light penetration.

• Hydrodynamic impacts are highly dependent on
wind farm layout and wind turbine parameters,
including turbine size (hub height and power
capacity), type of foundation, turbine spacing
within the wind farm, and the spacing between
adjacent wind farms.

• Extensive build-out of offshore wind farms is likely
necessary for these structures to have a significant
hydrodynamic impact.

• Larger, more widely spaced turbines, such as
those being planned for U.S. windfarms, are likely
to have less hydrodynamic influence than the
smaller, more closely spaced turbines currently in
operation in Europe and other parts of the world.

Oceanographic Effects

Nov 25, 2024

Destabilizing Atlantis? Offshore wind energy diversion's impacts on currents & water column stratification. 2008-2024

Below are scientific and govt  links (pdf files)  stretching from 2008 to 2024. They illuminate an  evolution of  understanding of the marine environmental impacts of  ocean wind energy diversion ashore as electricity.

It is observed by many of the below papers and articles  that  the speed and integrity of  oceanic water currents and of seasonal water stratification are  weakened and disorganized by these energy-diverting devices. 

2008 Pioneering paper on topic



New Study Unveils the Unique Seasonality in the Deep Basins of Gulf of Maine NOAA 12/02/2021


Offshore Wind Wake Effects Are Real: We Should Plan for Them. NASA  2023


Nov 23, 2024

Chasing the offshore wind farm wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipole. 2022

From: Frontiers in Marine Science 27 July 2022 Public document
Chasing the offshore wind farm wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipole. Authors:Jens Floeter*Jens Floeter1*Thomas PohlmannThomas Pohlmann2Andr HarmerAndré Harmer1Christian MllmannChristian Möllmann

A.  Abstract: 

The operational principle of offshore wind farms (OWF) is to extract kinetic energy from the atmosphere and convert it into electricity.

Consequently, a region of reduced wind speed in the shadow zone of an OWF, the so-called wind-wake, is generated. 

As there is a horizontal wind speed deficit between the wind-wake and the undisturbed neighboring regions, the locally reduced surface stress results in an adjusted Ekman transport. 

Subsequently, the creation of a dipole pattern in sea surface elevation induces corresponding anomalies in the vertical water velocities. 

The dynamics of these OWF windwake induced upwelling/downwelling dipoles have been analyzed in earlier model studies, and strong impacts on stratified pelagic ecosystems have been predicted. 

Here we provide for the first time empirical evidence of the existence of such upwelling/downwelling dipoles. 

The data were obtained by towing a remotely operated vehicle (TRIAXUS ROTV) through leeward regions of operational OWFs in the summer stratified North Sea. 

The undulating transects provided high-resolution CTD data which enabled the characterization of three different phases of the ephemeral life cycle of a wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipole: 

Development, operation, and erosion. 

We identified two characteristic hydrographic signatures of OWF-induced dipoles: distinct changes in mixed layer depth and potential energy anomaly over a distance < 5 km and a diagonal excursion of the thermocline of ~10–14 m over a dipole dimension of ~10–12 km. 

Whether these anthropogenically induced abrupt changes are significantly different from the corridor of natural variability awaits further investigations.


B. From:Introduction

Offshore wind farms (OWFs) convert kinetic wind energy into electricity, creating regions of reduced wind speed and high atmospheric turbulence intensity downstream of wind turbine arrays. 

Christiansen and Hasager (2005)Christiansen and Hasager (2006) were the first to describe these wind-wakes by synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-derived wind speed images and well-known wind farm wake photographs (Hasager et al., 2013). 

Numerical analyses by Broström (2008) triggered a series of modeling studies (Paskyabi and Fer, 2012Paskyabi, 2015Ludewig, 2015), which all predicted that a wind speed of 5–10 m s-1 generates so-called upwelling/downwelling dipoles in a stratified ocean with vertical velocities exceeding 1 m day-1

The generated oceanic response is predicted to extend several kilometers around the OWFs and to be strong enough to influence the local pelagic ecosystem, especially the surface mixed layer (SML).

 These studies formulated prerequisite conditions for the generation of an OWF wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipole: the characteristic width of the wind-wake has to be at least the internal radius of deformation (Broström, 2008), which is fulfilled for OWFs in the German Bight of the North Sea, as both are ~10 km (Chelton et al., 1998Platis et al., 2018).

 An almost constant wind direction for at least ~8–10 h with moderate speeds (5–10 m s-1) is the second condition which needs to be met (Ludewig, 2015).

 Other theoretically derived factors likely to influence the vertical velocities in OWF wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipoles are the size of the wind farm (Broström, 2008), surface waves and tidal advection (Paskyabi and Fer, 2012), and atmospheric stability (Platis et al., 2018).
In June 2016, we deployed a high-speed remotely operated towed vehicle (ROTV) to investigate the offshore wind farm wind-wake-induced upwelling/downwelling dipole.

C. Discussion
Our working hypotheses of observing three different phases of an upwelling/downwelling dipole life cycle, i.e., early development, established and eroding phases, were generally confirmed. The coexistence of a tidal mixing front on June 29–30 in our investigation area prevented the observation of an undisturbed OWF wind-wake-induced development and decay of dipoles.

* Wind-wakes

In situ wind and turbulence measurements of far-field OWF wakes (Platis et al., 2018) confirmed previous model- (Dörenkämper et al., 2015) and SAR-derived results (Li and Lehner, 2013Djath et al., 2018Djath and Schulz-Stellenfleth, 2019) that higher atmospheric stability, i.e., the absence of thermally produced turbulence, increases wake dimensions. However, we do not know the atmospheric stability during our survey.

SAR images quantifying wind-wake dimensions in a specific situation are rare, as the repeat cycle of the satellite is about 11–12 days (Platis et al., 2018), but promising (Elyouncha et al., 2021). 

Airborne observational data showed that in the German Bight stable atmospheric situations are most probable for southwesterly wind directions, as in our survey period, from which Platis et al. (2018) inferred that this is the most likely direction producing long wakes. 

However, even in unstable and neutral atmospheric situations, Platis et al. (2018)Platis et al. (2020)Platis et al. (2021) frequently observed wind-wakes with lengths between 5 and at least 35 km in our study area. 

Therefore, we deduced that the southwesterly wind with speeds >4 m s-1 which prevailed during our study generated wind-wakes at the leeward regions of BARD and GTI, with lengths between 5 and ~35 km. 

Observations of absolute (Figure 10) and normalized (Supplementary Figure 9) wind speeds recorded at FS Heincke revealed for June 27 a clear wind deficit leeward of BARD only for T1 and T2—the transects with identified upwelling/downwelling dipoles. The wind speed deficit was ~3 m s-1 or 30%, which is well in the range reported by Platis et al. (2018) for a similar-sized neighboring OWF. 

On June 29, wind-wakes with a deficit ~25% were detected at FS Heincke vessel height on transects T1, T2, T3, and T4 (Supplementary Figures 10, 11), supporting our analysis of the developing dipole. 

Hence, the June 27 onboard wind measurements suggest that the wind-wake had a length of ~14 km, and >20 km on June 29. On June 30, the wind-wake deficits were relatively larger (~46%) on T1 and T2 but on a lower absolute level (Supplementary Figures 12, 13)...

* Water Currents
During the survey, maximum ambient currents in a depth of 15 m were in the order of 0.6 m s-1, which is about one (Ludewig, 2015) to two (Christiansen et al., 2022) magnitudes higher than the mean wind-wake-induced changes in the horizontal surface water velocity field. 

Therefore, the spatial orientation of the tidal ellipse in relation to the direction of the wind-wake can be expected to enhance or weaken the development of an upwelling/downwelling dipole. Tidal excursions in this region have a magnitude of ~6–9 km in an east–west direction (Floeter et al., 2017), which was at an ~45° angle to the average wind-wake-induced Ekman transport during our study. 

Subsequently, the tidal phase can be expected to have an effect on the vertical velocities and the spatial locations of the dipoles. The BSHcmod-derived wind- and tide-driven ambient currents were similar during the comparative measurements of T1 on June 27 and 29, exhibiting a westward water movement with velocities around 0.2–0.3 m s-1 (Figure 11). 

However, the tidal phase was different as on June 27 the 280° westward currents persisted for 12 h before we surveyed T1, whereas the ambient current was eastward (100°) during the 12-h period prior to the TRIAXUS measurements of T1 on June 29. 

A hydrodynamic modeling analysis would be needed to assess how the different tidal histories contributed to the observed dipole shapes and dynamics.

* Wind-wake-induced changes in potential energy anomaly of water column

Earlier model studies have demonstrated that OWF-induced disturbances to the wind field modulate tidal mixing front-related upwelling processes (Paskyabi, 2015) and change the upper ocean stratification pattern (Ludewig, 2015). 

To differentiate natural and anthropogenic effects, we calculated the potential energy anomaly of the 5–20-m envelope of the water column following the approach of Simpson (1981) by considering changes in the potential energy relative to the mixed condition [Eq. 2 in Simpson (1981)]. 

The calculation was based on the potential density anomalies [kg m-3] of the transects, gridded with ODV-DIVA (Schlitzer, 2021Troupin et al., 2012) applying a horizontal and vertical resolution of 250 m and 0.1 m.

All transects surveyed on June 27 and 29 revealed an overall north–south decrease in the potential energy anomaly, following the stratification trend from offshore to the coast (Figure 12). 

The trajectories of the transects with established OWF-induced upwelling/downwelling dipoles (June 27 T1, T2, and June 29 T3) were distinct from all others by showing abrupt changes in potential energy anomaly of ~4 kJ m-3 over a short distance of ~2–4 km (Figure 12).

* Characteristic signatures of the observed upwelling/downwelling dipoles

We identified two characteristic hydrographic signatures of OWF-induced dipoles:

a. Distinct changes in mixed layer depth and potential energy anomaly of the 5–20-m water column envelope over a distance <5 km

b. Diagonal excursion of the thermocline of ~10–14 m over a dipole dimension of ~10–12 km

Whether these anthropogenically induced changes in potential energy anomaly and mixed layer depth are significantly different from the corridor of natural variability awaits further investigations. The same applies to the representativity of the observed signatures

* Potential ecological consequences

In a modeling study, Christiansen et al. (2022) identified reduced vertical mixing of the upper water column due to the wind speed deficit in the OWF wake as the predominant process impacting on the pelagic environment of the German Bight. 

When the wind direction changes, the enhancement of stratification and shallowing of the SML is affecting varying areas. 

By analyzing monthly mean hydrodynamic results, Christiansen et al. (2022) concluded that OWF wind-wake-induced convergence and divergence of water masses lead to the formation of large-scale sea surface elevation dipoles, which generate structural changes in the stratification strength in the German Bight. 

However, because of almost constantly changing wind directions, the magnitude of the monthly averages is so low that it can hardly be distinguished from the interannual variability (Christiansen et al., 2022).

A shallowing of the nutrient-depleted summer SML (Topcu et al., 2011) brings the lower regions of the thermocline, and with it high concentrations of nutrients and phytoplankton cells (Richardson et al., 2000Zhao et al., 2019) upward into more illuminated water depth levels.

 As some light for net primary production is available below the thermocline (Floeter et al., 2017), it can be expected that these phytoplankton organisms are viable and immediately increase their production.

Thus, when in a specific situation the wind direction is stable over at least ~10 h, like the ones we encountered on 2016 June 27 and 29, the shallowing of the mixed layer depth by distinct OWF wind-wakes has the potential to generate significant anthropogenic pulses of enhanced primary production at the lower spatial mesoscale (i.e., ~10–35 km). 

While Christiansen et al. (2022) confirmed the correlations between the sea-level dipole anomalies and changes in the vertical density and temperature distributions derived by Ludewig (2015), associated changes in the mean vertical velocity field, i.e. upwelling/downwelling dipoles were not detectable.

The cause can be found in the different nature of the two main effects of OWF wind-wakes on the water column:

1) Wherever a wind-wake leads to reduced vertical mixing, the subsequent enhancement of the stratification is not reversed when the wake direction changes because the wind deficit prevails within the entire wake. Hence, the effects of this first process remain detectable in monthly average flow fields.

2) When a wind-wake directionally persists for some time, it generates an upwelling/downwelling dipole. When the wind direction changes, negative and positive vertical water velocities wipe out each other as the downwelling cell is shifted over the upwelling cell or vice versa. Hence, the effects of this second process are vanishing in monthly average flow fields.

The excursions of the thermocline due to this second wind-wake effect of upwelling/downwelling dipoles are substantially larger (~10–14 m, Figures 47) than the shallowing of the mixed layer depth caused by reduced vertical mixing. 

Therefore, it can be expected that they generate more intense but ephemeral pulses of primary production with spatial dimensions at the lower meso-/upper submesoscale. 

Whether the magnitude of this anthropogenic primary production enhancement is similar to that of tidal mixing fronts awaits further investigations. 

At the current developmental stage of OWFs in the German Bight, their cumulative wind-wake-induced upwelling area is smaller than the tidal front region, but the potential of submesoscale features as drivers of biophysical coupling in the German Bight was already highlighted by North et al. (2016) and their location in stratified regions may make a difference.

The further fate of the manmade additional primary production, which fraction is cascading up the trophic chain (Lévy et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Slavik et al., 2019; Twigg et al., 2020; Kaiser et al., 2021), how much will contribute to oxygen minimum zones (Topcu and Brockmann, 2015; Große et al., 2016; Queste et al., 2016), or the impact on fisheries resources (Methratta and Dardick, 2019; Methratta, 2020; van Berkel et al., 2020); add another level of complexity.


Penobscot Bay Report, 11/23/24, Juniper Ridge Expansion short and long audio/video


JRL's official website 

Juniper Ridge expansion plan meeting Nov 21, 2024   32 minutes (meeting in progress) 

Nicky S's written  observations:  " I noticed that Casella's lawyer and state house lobbyist was in the room. I know him because he also represents Poland Spring and has been working hard to prevent more protective regulations from towns where they export water from. Irony, because the landfill is where most of the plastic ends up, while people nearby the landfill have to rely on bottled water because the water is not safe. An ugly cycle. You might see him at future meetings. His name is Brian Rayback and he is a partner at Pierce Atwood law firm in Portland. 

Link to full 90 minute Audio video by sunlight media collective

JIMI Stereo 

Nov 14, 2024


A. "climatic_effects_windpower_2018.txt" (Miller & Keith)

  • Wind power generation creates measurable warming effects
  • Surface temperatures affected by turbine mixing of boundary layer
  • Wind impacts approximately equivalent to reduced warming from decarbonizing electricity
  • Solar impacts about 10 times smaller than wind for same generation

B. "impacts_accelerating_deployment103122.txt" (Akhtar et al.)

  • Wind farm wakes extend 35-40 km downstream
  • Wind speed deficits reach 2-2.5 m/s within farms
  • Seasonal variations in impact (strongest spring, weakest winter)
  • Capacity factor reductions of 20% or more in downstream farms
  • Identifies wind energy as potentially limited resource in North Sea

C. "wind_sci_2022_offshorewind_diversion.txt" Article 1 (Christiansen et al.):

  • Shows emergence of large-scale hydrodynamic structures
  • Documents changes in stratification strength
  • Identifies dipole formation in sea surface elevation
  • Notes effects on temperature and salinity distribution

Article 2 (Akhtar et al.):

  • Confirms wake effects up to 70 km under stable conditions
  • Shows impacts on neighboring wind farms
  • Identifies seasonal patterns in wind speed deficits
  • Notes potential ecosystem impacts

D. "pbw_boem_072224.txt"

  • Calculates energy diversion from air-sea interface
  • Links energy extraction to current weakening
  • Calls for HAPC designation for Eastern Maine Coastal Current
  • Advocates precautionary approach

E. "gom_deep_basin-currents.txt"

  • Reveals unique seasonal temperature patterns in deep basins
  • Documents 3-month transit time for slope water intrusion
  • Shows importance of Nova Scotia Current in stratification
  • Links Gulf Stream position to deep water properties

A. Scale of Impact

  • Consistent findings of extensive wake effects
  • Far-reaching hydrodynamic changes
  • Cumulative effects of multiple farms

B. Ecosystem Concerns

  • All sources note potential ecological impacts
  • Emphasis on stratification changes
  • Recognition of complex system interactions

C. Energy Flow Disruption

  • Quantifiable energy extraction
  • Effects on natural mixing processes
  • Impacts on current systems

A. Biological Response

  • Specific impacts on marine species
  • Changes in migration patterns
  • Effects on larval transport

B. Long-term Effects

  • Cumulative impacts over decades
  • Ecosystem adaptation capabilities
  • Recovery potential

C. Regional Specifics

  • Gulf of Maine-specific modeling
  • Local current system responses
  • Seasonal variation patterns

D. Economic Impacts

  • Fisheries effects quantification
  • Tourism implications
  • Cost-benefit analyses

Need versions for: A. Technical Audience

  • Full scientific detail
  • Mathematical models
  • Technical terminology

B. Policy Makers

  • Executive summaries
  • Clear impact statements
  • Policy implications

C. General Public

  • Plain language explanations
  • Visual aids
  • Relatable examples

D. Industry Stakeholders

  • Fisheries-specific impacts
  • Operational implications
  • Economic considerations

Ocean windfarms and natural fisheries don't mix

What we've learned about the Gulf of Maine's natural patterns, and their vulnerability to disruption, combining the 2021 NOAA study  "Variability of Deep Water in Jordan Basin of the Gulf of Maine: Influence of Gulf Stream Warm Core Rings and the Nova Scotia Current."

Jiabi Du, Weifeng G. Zhang, Yizhen Li

Published on: 12/02/2021

Primary Contact(s): with our earlier analyses:

Vulnerable Natural Patterns:

  1. Deep Water Exchange System
  • The newly discovered 3-month transit time for slope water is critical
  • This timing evolved to match seasonal biological cycles
  • Wind farm-induced mixing could:
    • Speed up or slow down this transit time
    • Create "short circuits" in the natural flow
    • Disrupt the temperature inversion pattern (warmer winter/colder summer deep water)
  1. Energy Transfer Disruption
  • Our earlier calculations showed ~6 gigawatts of wind energy could be diverted
  • This energy normally helps drive:
    • Surface mixing
    • Current maintenance
    • Seasonal turnover patterns
  • Removing this energy could weaken these processes
  1. Stratification Effects
  • The NOAA study shows how Nova Scotia Current's fresh water creates important stratification
  • Wind farm wakes could:
    • Break down natural stratification barriers
    • Create artificial mixing zones
    • Interfere with the natural preservation of deep water properties
  1. Nutrient Cycling Impacts
  • The 30% nutrient contribution from slope water is crucial
  • Disrupted patterns could affect:
    • Timing of nutrient delivery
    • Distribution patterns
    • Concentration levels in different water layers
  1. Biological Timeline Disruption
  • Natural systems depend on predictable patterns
  • Species affected could include:
    • Plankton bloom timing
    • Fish spawning cycles
    • Larval transport
    • Feeding migrations
  1. Cumulative Effects
  • Multiple wind farms could create:
    • Overlapping zones of disruption
    • Cascading effects on currents
    • Complex interactions with natural processes
    • Year-round rather than seasonal impacts
  1. Ecosystem Timing Mismatches
  • Could create "ecological disconnect" where:
    • Food isn't available when needed
    • Spawning doesn't match optimal conditions
    • Migration patterns become less effective

This vulnerability is particularly concerning because:

  1. The Gulf of Maine is already experiencing rapid climate change
  2. Many commercial species depend on these precise patterns
  3. Once disrupted, these patterns may be difficult or impossible to restore
  4. Effects could extend far beyond wind farm boundaries

For fisheries and ecosystem managers, this means:

  • Greater uncertainty in predicting stock behavior
  • Possible changes in traditional fishing grounds
  • Need for more intensive monitoring
  • Potential for unexpected ecosystem shifts

Would you like me to elaborate on any of these points or explore specific implications for particular species or fishing operations?