Excerpts on Mammals Birds and Fishes of Waldo County including its tidal waters.
"In Waldo county, which is upon the seaboard, not much game is found. Ruflied grouse inhabit every grove of any size, but are exceedingly shy. Hares abound in our swamps to some extent. Snipe are occasionally met.with, but woodcock are about extinct. _
Fur bearing animals are found to some extent; the fox, mink, raccoon, and skunk, are the chief. Originally they were abundant, and in days of early settlements, or forty to sixty years ago, they were to be met with at almost every step.
Fish are scarce. Brook trout, the prince of fish, between persistent fishing and dams across all brooks of size, and water polluted with sawdust from mills, have nearly all disappeared. Some varieties of inferior fish are yet quite plentiful.
Along shore, springs and antumns, good shooting may be had for ducks and geese which here pause on their migrations.
Good opportunities for fish culture are found in every town, but as yet we have no one who has engaged in that business.
Marine Fishes
Smelt and tomcods are very plentiful in the bay and river in Spring.
Later in the season the bay affords cod, haddock, hake, mackerel,and pogies; the latter caught mainly for their oil, which is expressed, after they are boiled in large boilers, under powerful screws. The residue left, known as “pogie chum," is a powerful fertilizer, and commands a good price.
Lobsters, that once abounded along the seacoast of the county,have been pursued to such an extent, that they are scarce and small, and command a high price.
The early settlers were familiar with the black bear, the deer, moose, wild cat, sable, and other animals now virtually extinct in the county.
The streams then swarmed with “speckled beauties,” and a tramp of half an hour beside almost any inland water would secure such a string as we never see now.
Our waters can be restocked - should be - and cared for that they are properly fed and protected. They may thus be made the means of supplying much delicious food, and from a source now barren.
Herring are largely caught in weirs and prepared by pickling and smoking, for the market. Salmon are caught in weirs to some extent. Belfast annually sends out quite a fleet of fishing vessels, some to the banks, and some along the coast.
A little attention to trout breeding, fishways to allow shad and alewives to ascend our larger streams, and protection of fish preserves, would in a few years add vastly to the food producing capacity of our inland waters.
It is a subject well worth the attention of our leading citizens, and we hope ere long that fish culture may be inaugurated and our streams and ponds be restocked with edible fish.
The song birds are the same as those of other sections of the State. They deserve protection and encouragement, for they are our safeguards againt insect depredations."
The following list embraces most of the wild animals now found in the county :
Latin names include typos & misspellings
Skunk (Pole cat) . . . . . . . . . . .. .Mephitis mephitica.
Woodchuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Arctomys menus.
Grey Squirrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Sciums migrations.
Red Squirrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sciurus Hudeonius.
Flying Squirrel“ . . . . . . . . . .. .Pteromys colucella.
Striped (Chipmunk). . . . . . . Tamias striatus.
Musk Rat (Musquash) . . . . . .. . Fiber zibethicus.
Common Rat.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mus. dccumcnus.
Field Mouse . . . . .. ..Hesperonmys myoides.
Woods Mouse (Deer Mouse} . .Jaeuh:s Hudsonius.
House Mouse . . . . . .. . . . . mus. museums.
Meadow Hog (Black Mole)... . Uondylura crrlstatcc.
Common Mole . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Blov'€-rm mlpoidies.
Mink (Martin) . . . . . . . . . . . . Pwaleflus migrescens.
Weasel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..mustella cicognanii.
Rabbit (Hare). . . . . . . . . . . .Lepus Anericanus.
Hedge Hog (Porcupine) . . ...Ere£h?Izon dorsatns.
Fox (Red and Grey) . . . . . .. . Vulpeafuluu-.s and ergenmlus.
Otter (very rare) . . . . . . . . .. . L1-sire Uanwdensfe.
Fisher fib.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jfustellm Pennamflii.
Loupcervier (ib.) . . . . . . . . . . .
Lynx:,,,,, Genadensia.
The principal fresh water fish are as follows:
Trout. . . . . . . . . . . . . Salmo frontinalis.
Chub . . . . . . . . . . Leueoeomus America-nus.
Shiner . .. . . . Ghirastarrzo notalum.
Red-fin . . . . . . . . . . .. .Plary-yrus carrmtus.
Sucker.. . . . . . . . . . . ... Oataslomus Bostoniensis.
Eel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Anguilla Bostoniensus.
Pickerel . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Esozc reticutatus.
White Perch. . . . . . . . . ..Morone Americana.
Yellow Perch . . . . . . . . . . .
Horned Pout . . . . . . . . . . .Amiurus palms.
Roach . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . Focus lineatus.
Smelts . . . . . . . . . Osmerus mordax.
Pumpkin Seed . . . . .Pomo£1Ie appendix.
Some of the more common birds of Waldo county:
White Headed Eagle.
Night Hawk.
Fish Hawk, (0sprey.)
Pigeon Hawk
Sparrow Hawk.
Great Horned Owl.
Brown Owl.
Saw-whet Owl.
Great Footed Hawk.
Ash-colored Sandpiper.
Little Sandpiper.
Spotted Sandpiper.
Wood Duck.
Great Shearwater.
Herring Gull.
American Gull.
Golden-winged Woodpecker.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker.
Three-toed Woodpecker.
Downy Woodpecker.
Yellow-ramped Warbler.,
Canada Fly-catcher.
Winter Wren.
Gold Crowned Wren.
Ruby Wren.
Brown Creeper.
Black-and-White Creeper.
Cedar bird.
Phebe bird.
Great Crested Fly-catcher.
Chimney Swallow.
Barn Swallow.
Bank Swallow.
Humming bird.
‘Water Thrush.
Olive-Backed Thrush.
Wiild Pigeon.
Ruffecl Grouse.
Kildeer Plover.
Piping Plover.
White-bellied Nuthatch.
White-throated Sparrow
Ghipbird. (?)
Swamp Sparrow.
Black billed Cuckoo
End excerpts
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