
Oct 26, 2023

Penobscot Bay knowledge gaps that want filling

What knowledge gaps do we have of Penobscot Bay's seasonal ecology, climate and hydrology? .

Gaps in understanding of the seasonal ecology, climate, and hydrology of Penobscot Bay include:

  • 1. Detailed knowledge of the seasonal migration patterns, spawning times, nursery habitat use, etc. for the full range of fish and other marine species that utilize the bay. I lack specifics on what times of year different life stages rely on certain habitat areas
  • 2. Specific information on how temperature, precipitation, runoff, oceanographic currents, and other climatic and hydrologic factors vary seasonally in the bay. I lack a detailed understanding of the seasonal fluctuations.
  • 3 Knowledge of how climate change is impacting seasonal patterns in the bay over long time periods. For example, how are warming waters, sea level rise, or changes in precipitation impacting fish migrations and spawning compared to historical baselines?
  • 4 Specific details on the volume, timing, quality, and variability of freshwater inputs from the Penobscot River watershed into the bay seasonally and annually. How do differences in rain/snowfall affect river flows?
  • 5 Quantitative data on seasonal and spatial variations in parameters like salinity, oxygen levels, and nutrient concentrations across the bay. How do they fluctuate with seasonal runoff and mixing?
  • 6 Information on seasonal cycles of primary productivity and food web dynamics in the bay. When are plankton blooms, fish spawning, etc. occurring and how might this be changing?
  • goog_6495544437 Details on water circulation and stratification patterns in the bay during different seasons and hydrologic conditions. How do currents and mixing vary?

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