
Mar 12, 2021

Maine: Constitutional Amendment proposed: adding "right to healthy environment." AUDIO MP3s

On March 8, 2021 the Maine Legislature's Environment and Natural Resources  held a well-attended virtual public hearing on LD 489 "Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Establish a Right to a Healthy Environment"  
 introduced by Sen. Chloe Maxmin of Lincoln. 

Numerous members of the public, elders and young  spoke strongly even passionately in favor of the bill. Listen to two speakers from the hearing below .

What's the Amendent?  "This resolution proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to grant the people of the 38th State a right to a clean and healthy environment and to the preservation of the natural,  cultural, recreational, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment."

Listen to two strong speakers in support of LD 489 
Friendship resident Richard Nelson told legislators  "Even though the lobster industry serves as a prime example that conservation go hand in hand with economic health, today it matters little if the speaker is a lobsterman, teacher, or even legislator. The issue at hand is so basic and is fundamentally shared between us, as humans, as is the air we suck into our lungs and the water that passes our lips. Each of us dependent on the life sustaining environment around us on this planet."  Yet, as he noted: "Today this unquesti
onable relationship finds a bit of confusion when stated as a human right."

 Sue Inches worked in  Maine's State Planning Office 2004 - 2011. represented Baldacci Administration on policy initiatives including Quality of Place Act, Growth Management Act,  Solid Waste and  Energy Efficiency Legislation.

In her testimony, Inches said that, as an amendment to the Maine Constitution "L
D 489 gives us a permanent way to protect Maine’s natural assets and the health of Maine people."   Pointing to the short life of the Baldacci-era Quality of Place legislation story (terminated by the Lepage Administration), she warned  "Laws— even laws with bi-partisan support—are not permanent. LD 489 would establish the right of all Maine citizens to clean air, clean water and a healthy environment, and it would guarantee these rights for present and future generations. If you don’t pass this bill, the health of our environment and our people is up for grabs with each swing of the political pendulum."

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