The flier is entitled Sears Island: Our Legacy. Here it is in all its recidivist glory. A greater paragon of indirection and omission-by- inference, a more creepily careful tip-toeing around the inconvenient truths about the ground and water of our upper bay's wild island and its surrounding shoals, has not graced our area's shop counters, and the third class mail section of our postal service's mailbags, in some time. Some legacy.....
Let's take a look (Click photos for full sized images

Now there's history!

FOPSI's "Permanent Solution" is to dismember Sears Island. Offer up the streams, wetlands and shoals of the western side of the island to MDOT's aggressive efforts to locate foreign investors to build & run what could be the east coast's biggest containerport.
Blasting, dredging, filling and otherwise cold-cocking Mother Nature in her midcoast Maine womb would be far better, in the FOPSIan paradigm, than continuing to subject the island to to the savage effects of "wear and tear from careless use" by dog walkers, fishermen, hikers and cyclists.
A paradigm that our Bay clearly cannot afford. Thanks to an upcoming court decision, we most likely won't have to, either.
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