
Dec 24, 2023

Sears Island struggles Media coverage 1960s to 2020s

Read and learn from  media coverage of your past victories against the industrialists who have brought their island and bay ravaging schemes to Searsport, raised quite the hubbub then left, tail  between their legs. 

Sears Island 1960s

Sears Island 1970s

Sears Island 1980s

Sears Island 1990s

Sears Island 2000s

Intermixed: letters to the editor, op-eds and columnists. 

People just like you . Sometimes it IS  you. Both sides though

searisland linkjs

 Sears Island 1960s

  Sears Island 1960s
 Sears Island 1960s
 Sears Island 1960s
 Sears Island 1960s





Dec 3, 2023

Maine BEP- its legal jurisdiction

Maine Board of Environmental Protection is mentioned in these state law sections: Title 2, Title 3, Title 5, Title 7, Title 10, Title 12, Title 22, Title 29-A, Title 32, Title 35-A and Title 38.