
Jan 31, 2021

Maine Legislature's Marine Resources Committee briefed by two lobster associations & aquaculture Association

 On January 26, 2021  the Marine Resources Committee held two orientation sessions. 

Below are links to  the morning session  presenters  including Dave Sullivan of the Maine Lobstering Union  and Sebastian Belle of the Maine Aquaculture Association.

Dave Sullivan , Maine Lobstering Union 14min 58sec

 Patrice McCarron of the Maine  Lobstermen's Association and Q&A 24min30sec

Sebastian Belle Maine Aquaculture Assoc & Q&A 13 sec

ME Legislature's Marine Resources Committee briefed 1/26/21 by tribes, seaweeders, coastal program & academics.

On January 26, 2021  the Legislature's Marine Resources Committee  was briefed by coastal program head Kathleen Leyden, Darling Center leader Heather Leslie,  Jake Ward of Maine Aquaventus, Tribal Chiefs  of the Maliseet, Penobscot &  Passamaquoddy Tribes,  & saltwater-focused academics.  A great number of questions from the committee members on everything from  offshore windmills to seaweed to elvers.

1 Introduction 38 seconds  

2 Kathleen Leyden, Maine Coastal Program 3min 43sec

Heather Leslie, Darling Center for Marine Science3min 49sec 

4 Leyden 2  2min 22sec

5 Leslie and Leyden  6min13sec

6 Leyden and  Leslie Q&A 10min

Gail Zydlewski  9min 45 sec

Dr. Josh Stolle, UME Marine Policy 6min 30sec 

Rick Wahle  UMe Lobster Institute 13min 454sec

10 Jake Ward UME Aquaventus & QA 30min

11. Tolloff & Seaver   Seaweed 18min 10sec 

12. Maliseet, Penobscot &  Passamaquoddy Tribes to END 38min 15sec

Jan 29, 2021

ZOOMing the Maine legislature in session- HOW TO's

What to expect when joining a virtual Public Hearing held by any of Maine's legislative committees 

  1. When you receive an email invitation to a Zoom meeting  of  the Maine Legislature  you will be asked to click a link to register.  Once you have registered, you will receive another link generated by Zoom to join the meeting.  Wait until the day of the meeting to click the link to JOIN.  If you have difficulty finding the invitation on the day of the meeting don’t worry.  A reminder will be sent on the morning of the meeting with the link attached.
  3. When you click the link to join the meeting, you will be in a WAITING ROOM. You will be able to see and hear the committee members who have joined so far, but you will not be seen or heard.  The host will be watching who is in attendance in the waiting room (we will know you are here even though you cannot be seen or heard at this time).

  4. When it is time for your testimony: The Chairs have a list of all who are scheduled to testify.  They will indicate to the clerk to admit the next in line to testify.  (2 or 3 at a time will be brought into the meeting). During the transition from the waiting room to the meeting, you will see a box with a blue spooling circle and a message saying “Joining”.  BE PATIENT!  This may take 5-7 seconds. When you can see the participants again, you will be in the meeting and will be able to see yourself on screen. 

  5. Please remain muted until you are called on to speak.  After you have given your testimony and answered any questions the committee may have, you will be returned to the waiting room.  Expect the same 5-7 second delay on your return.  When you can see the participants again, you are back in the waiting room.  You can remain there for the rest of the hearing or leave by clicking the red END button in the lower right hand corner of the screen. 


If you have any questions about this process, please contact me at or by calling 207-287-1337.

Jan 25, 2021

ME DEP 1/25/21 presentation to Legislature's Environment & Natural Resources Committee

At Maine Legislature's new session on January 25, 2021, the Environment and Natural Resources Committee introduces itself and its committee staff,  then gets  its first agency orientation briefing from a number of  Maine Dept of Environmental Protection officials, along with lively questions from legislators, particularly Representative Vicky Doudera  & Representative Stan  Ziegler.

Introduction of ENR committee members13min

Michael Russo Office of Fiscal&  Program Review 5min 33sec

Dan Tartakoff presents. 18min 8sec


Melani Loyzim 10min 48sec

Jeff Crawford  Air Bureau    5min 40sec

Nick Livesay Land Bureau  6min52sec

Brian Kavanah  Water Bureau  14min.                          * plus: Kavanah on Searsport Plastic Spill Q&A with Rep Ziegler, then Rep Doudera  3min. )  

Bill Hinkel  4min40sec on Board of Environmental Protection 

David Burns  Waste Mgmt 11min ( Loyzim fills in, Burns does QA,)  

End of DEP  introductions 1min 15sec

Close of meeting 1min 15sec

Jan 22, 2021

EPA October 19 webinar New International Requirements for Exports and Imports of Plastic Scrap

 On October 19, 2020   EPA hosted a webinar: New International Requirements for Exports and Imports of Plastic Scrap. Click on the link above to watch the webinar with its slideshow Or scroll down access audio of the meeting broken into sections 

1  Intro 1min28sec

_Lia Yohannes EPA Intl Policy Analyst part 1  4min22sec

3 Lia  Yohannes EPA Intl Policy Analyst_pt 2 14min15sec 

4 Rick Picardi  EPA Chief, Intl Policy 30min33sec

5 Lia Yohannes 4min35sec anticipated  impacts: communities  confusion

6 Lia Yohannes 8min 14sec  40min state muni  OECD countries no 

7 Lia Yohannes on take aways. 1min21sec Dramatic changes start jan 1, 2021   Importing US wastr is illegal under BASEL agreement.  Notice of intent to govts of receiving countries requirements  slow it down. S

8 Lia Yohannes on  Resources  link

Q&A session to end 21min54sec

Jan 7, 2021

Maine DEP & Big Waste agree at Jan 7, 2021 BEP mtg: keep Out Of State Waste flowing into Maine! (but in an "environmentally just" way)

On January 7, 2021, Maine Board of Environmental Protection held a zoom meeting that included  waste rule changes brought forward by citizens group Don't Waste ME, Penobscot Nation, and others. HEAR AUDIO BELOW.   Fact Sheet (PDF) :: Draft Rule Chapter (PDF) :: Citizen Petition :: Adoption Packet The BEP declined to accept any  but one rule change - addition of the term  "environmental justice" into its lexicon.

 The major change hoped for  would've (1)define  waste as "Maine Waste" only if it originated in Maine. This to end a recycling  loophole that lets thousands of truckloads of waste to be brought to Maine  every year from other states and landfilled as "Maine waste".   Adoption of the term Environmental Justice as a regulatory criterion for state  siting  or expansion of  landfills or  their discharging waste is at least one victory

1. Introduction 2min 19sec

2 Acting DEP Commissioner Melani Loyzim updates  93sec 

3  Review December 15 2020 minutes  50sec

4 Chapter 100  Air  Licencing issues 2min

 Chapter 400 Rulemaking petition intro 39sec

6 DEP Paul Clark overview of Chapter 400 issues 11min

7 DEP Paula Clark Q&A 41min

Part 2 Public speakers

 Ed Spencer reads Hillary Lister comments

10 Ed Spencer's  own comments

11  Procedural question 6min 35sec

12 Dan Thornton, Thornton Construction 3min37sec

13  Kat Taylor, Argyle Maine 10 min

14  Bill Lippincott Don't Waste ME  4min 15sec

15 Greg Leahy Reenergy  5min42sec

16 Brian Rayback NewsMe Landfill and QA 11min30sec

17  Closing Paula Clark remarks to  break 2min 53 sec

Bill Lippincott 4min 14sec  (see 14)

Part 3 BEP deliberates, then decides  Full 30min Deliberations

D1 Mark Draper Intro to deliberations 2min10sec

D2  James W.  Parker 1min 31sec

D3  Robert Duchesne 5min21sec

D4  Susan Lessard 2min15sec

D5  Steven Pelletier 1min 21sec

D6 Parker 1min31sec

D7 Draper 2min 54sec

D8 Duchene 1min 21sec

D9 Pelletier and Paula Clark 1min 28sec

D10  Melanie Loyzim 1min 18sec

D11 Lessard and Loyzim 2min

D12 Draper and Clark 3min24sec

D13 Draper to vote to end 1min 34sec