
Sep 17, 2020

Maine BEP hears from landfill reform advocates and anti-reform advocates

 On September 17, 2020, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection held its hearing on NGO Don’t Waste Maine’s petition to end importation of construction & demolition waste from other states.

Listen below to links to the speakers at the hearing – both those who testified and those who listened and asked questions

The meeting started at 10am, with the Board first reviewed a number of other agenda item including hazardous waste storage at the Portsmouth Naval shipyard,  Nordic Aquafarms,  land based salmon facility application and more.

Speakers at 9/17/20 Maine BEP hearing on citizen initiated rule changes to DEP Rules Chapter 400.  Link to written testimony sent to BEP

BEP meeting’s other issues before CH400 hearing 47min

0 CH 400 Opening introduction 8min15sec

1.Hillary Lister, Don’t Waste Me + Q&A 19min  

2. Ed Spencer, Don’t Waste Me 22min33sec

3. Paula Clark, Maine DEP 13min 4sec

4 Brian Rayback, Pierce Atwood 7min44sec

5 Bill Lippincott 9min20sec

6.Dana Colihan_5min7sec

7 Greg Leahy Reenergy Lewiston13min35sec

8 Rhonda Forester , Sevee and Mahan 9min25sec

9 Kat Taylor 6min31sec



10 Intro 43seconds

11 Charles Eaton Me Logistics Solutions trucking) 2min 5sec

12 Sarah Nichols NRCM & QA 10min 33sec

13 Kirstie_Pecci CLF & QA 15min

14 Peter Crockett DWM 7min11sec

15 Barry Staples 3min 44sec

16 Abigail Bradford 3min55sec

17 Mark St Germaine & QA 10min2sec

18 TJ Troiano waste trucking 9min5sec

19 Antonio Blasi Hancock Cty Commissioner 44sec

20 Ben Worcester SW Harbor 4min 4sec to hearing end

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