The Maine Legislature' s Environment and Natural Resources Committee held a public hearing on March 20, 2017 on seven mining related bills before it : LD 160, LD 253, LD 254, LD 395, LD 580, LD 685 & LD 820 Listen to an always increasing selection of these speakers (Full audio recording of 3/20/17 mining public hearings available by request )
First Nations
First Nations
Rep Henry John Bear testimony 4 min 45sec
Citizen activists
Jeff Reardon- Trout Unlimited 6min 19sec
Heather Spaulding MOFGA. 3min 15 sec
Caitlyn Bernard, Appalachian Mountain Club 2min 38sec
Nick Bennett NRCM 3min 12 sec
Citizen activists
Jeff Reardon- Trout Unlimited 6min 19sec
Heather Spaulding MOFGA. 3min 15 sec
Caitlyn Bernard, Appalachian Mountain Club 2min 38sec
Nick Bennett NRCM 3min 12 sec
Bills under review at hearing
LD 160,An Act To Prohibit the Mining of Massive Sulfide Ore Deposits under the Maine Metallic Mineral Mining Act,Rep. Robert Duchesne of Hudson
LD 253, An Act To Repeal the Maine Metallic Mineral Mining Act - Rep. RalphChapman of Brooksville
LD 254, An Act To Implement a Moratorium on Metallic Mineral Mining - Rep. Ralph Chapman of Brooksville
LD 395, Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Chapter 200: Metallic Mineral Exploration, Advanced Exploration and Mining, a Major Substantive Rule MDEP
LD 580, An Act To Modify the Mining Laws - Sen. Thomas Saviello of Franklin
LD 685 An Act To Establish the Mining Advisory Panel. Rep. Chapman of Brooksville
LD 820 An Act To Protect Maine's Clean Water and Taxpayers from Mining Pollution Sen. Carson of CumberlandLD 685 An Act To Establish the Mining Advisory Panel. Rep. Chapman of Brooksville
With the Full facts being reported, it should be noted there were 7 mining bills.
But I suppose if you conveniently omit to mention a few It works for someone's interest.
The bill supported by most of Maine's environmental groups, LD 820 does not complete the task and if I heard correctly allows the statute to be tweaked as needed to a possible lower standard.
LD 685 is not mentioned maybe because it would rely on "independent" experts to assist, not dictate, in drafting a sound solid structure of statute to which only quality sensible rules would be allowed. Not lopsided rules favoring industry or foreign nations nor even those padding their legacy for their children's futures.
253, 254, 685 would work hand in hand to correct the wrongs of the past failed attempts, work to continue protecting Maine as best we can, until 685 allows the completion of expert recommendations and acceptance by the legislature at a future date, for insertion of Rules founded in science.
Thanks! I've added them on. Would that there were more people like you, to correct errors like those.