This due to the bill's adoption of a thirty year old incomplete and seriously flawed list of scenic viewsheds of "state and national significance".
LD 901 "An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Determination of a Wind Energy Development's Effect on the Scenic Character of Maine's Special Places" does this by enshrining an outdated and never completed complete list of coastal Maine's 'official' scenic locations as the only locations deserving of a minimum 15 mile distance for viewshed protection
Ron Huber executive director of Friends of Penobscot Bay warned that LD 901 would effectively prevent the citizens of more than a dozen coastal towns from objecting to having their ocean viewsheds dominated by turning windmill blades by day and by blinking red lights at night."
In Huber v BPL, 2011, Knox County Superior Court Justice Jeffrey Hjelm was forced to make the absurd declaration that Monhegan lacks any scenic viewsheds of state or national significance, including the island's immensely popular Lobster Cove and Christmas Cove, beaches reachable solely on foot,
"These viewsheds are the subjects of 100s if not thousands of paintings, sculptures poems and other paeans to the island's seascape" Huber said. But they are officially deemed insignificant because Maine Coastal Program made never finalized its 1987 survey of scenic resources along themidcoast Maine coast.
Completion requires "field verification" of aerial map. This was never carried out as noted in the Monhegan scenic map from page 128 of the 1987 report.
"The Environment asnd Natural Resources Committee should table LD 901 and direct Maine Coastal Program to update and complete its scenic survey of Midcoast Maine, including Monhegan, first," Huber said, "Otherwise ocean windmills will be allowed to dominate Gulf of Maine viewsheds off Maine with no accountability to the towns and cities whose viewsheds they would economically and physically dominate."
Huber also said he hopes that Maine Aqua Ventus' leaders Jake Ward and Habib Dagher of the University of Maine won't renege on their oft-repeated promises to site floating windfarms far enough from shore for the curvature of the earth to mask the renewable energy platforms' blinking light arrays .
"Dr Dagher is an honorable man," Huber said Surely he'll keep his word ."