
Jul 17, 2008

Taming the Island. Wasumkeag mowed.

From: Soulful Sea:
Well, I know I’m kind of a sentimental sort. Maybe a bit of a kook, but tonight when I arrived on the island I was shocked and saddened to see that the mowing tractor had been on the island. I can’t tell you how bugged I was to see my grasses and flowers and ferns and berries all taken down by a mowing tractor that had been on the island.

I know some poor sap prolly thought he was doing a good thing…. Protecting the innocents from the encroaching forest….

I can’t tell you how bugged I was to see my grasses and flowers and ferns and berries all taken down.I’m sure he probably had extra gasoline in his tractor or maybe he just needed to work a few more hours in his day……

But god damit…. It really pisses me off. I mean, why was there a need to cut down the wild plants today? Why the hell are they busy pushing aside barricades to run a tractor up on the island to cut down the plants?

It’s just that I have a relationship with so many of them. I love the tall grasses and the soft ferns and the flowers……

Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is an essential part of their own innermost being, their true nature.. –Tolle

If only they knew how sweet the scent of milk weed is at dawn….

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    thank you for expressing my feelings so well

    maybe when oil becomes too expensive many of our problems, big (transport terminals) and small (mowers), will go away
