
Jan 23, 2024

Maine DEP officials involved in the 2023-2024 response to the GAC Chemical shoreline failures

The violent storms of  our recent Maine winters  have  both flooded and eroded many coastal homes piers and other structures vital to businesses and communities above those shores.These  have triggered state and federal responses.

These are Maine DEP's staff from field investigators  to bureau chiefs  involved in the Dec 2023-Jan 2024 response to a BayWatch report of a failing industrial filled  industrial shoreline, harmed by powerful  midwinter storms and storm surges  in these  agency emails   extracted fro a much larger, but from two FOAAs filed 12/2723 and 01/09/24  with Maine DEP

Karen Knuuti. Env specialist Remediation &Waste Mgmt 941-4561

Susanne Miller, director, DEP Waste Bureau 557-2700

Nicholas J. Hodgkins, Director, Division of Remediation
(207) 592-0882

Bob Shannon Remediation, Eastern Maine Regional Office

Chris Redmond, Voluntary Remediation Reporting: (VRAP) Chris Redmond 215-8597

David Chapman. Oil & HAZMAT Spec 287-7688 (DEP main #)
"[O]ver 14 years of experience in environmental investigation and remediation."

Christopher Hopper, Director, Response Services, Central ME Reg Office 816-0133

John Bucci, Inspector, Remediation & Waste Management 557-1194

Carla Hopkins Chemical Contaminated Soil Cleanup. 446-4366

David Madore
MDEP Deputy Commissioner 207-287-5842


DEP responses to crumbling GAC Chemical Shore December 2023 - January 2024. Verbal enforcement agreements?

Two informative Maine DEP email chains  of  12/2723 and 01/09/24 illuminate  the agency's responses to the collapses reported to them by Penobscort Bay Watch  along major portions  of  GAC Chemical's filled  shorelines in Searsport.   See list of the DEP officials in these emails and their missions

These are made available courtesy of  virtual newsers Pen Bay Pilot.

Importantly the emails reveal  DEP's  use of  "verbal agreements" to minimize their and the company's FOAA exposure - including to its insurers . Shielding the company from having its storm damaged coast officially (and expensively) acknowledged.  As if helping the company avoid becoming the poster child for mismanagement  of Maine's ever more  storm battered legacy industrial shorelines.


December 27, 2023   "Not a disaster"   Knuuti to Miller, Hodgkins, Shannon, Redmond, Chapman. cc'd to Hopper, Bucci, Hopkins  

January 9, 2024 

2:28 pm David Madore shares PenBayPilot's Lynda Clancy's ask for details His message: "?? See below" ..." 

Staff Response: "GAC has Agreed to Repair the Damage. No order is forthcoming."

310pm Madore: "Okay. Is it accurate to say we have a verbal agreement after speaking with them?"

Jan 7, 2024

Bay History 1992. Stockton Harbor tragedy: Looking back 12 years after they blocked half the harbor's circulation around Sears Island in Penobscot Bay.

 Three decades ago Cape Jellison resident Lorin Hollander voiced his observation and misgivings about the results to Stockton Harbor  of blocking  harbor circulation with the Sears Island causeway, twelve years after the fateful closure . Bangor Daily News 10/8/92

Jan 4, 2024

GAC Chemical 42 reported oil or haz waste incidents 1994 - 2020

Here are 43 Kidder Point oil or chemical waste   spills  reported to Maine DEP 1993 -  2020: 

* 23 reported by "GENERAL ALUM & CHEMICAL"  1993-2004 

Spill NumberReport DateTown/MCDLocationSpill TypeTank Type
B-2-1994Jan 3, 1994SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-64-1995Feb 7, 1995SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-395-1995Jul 20, 1995SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Oil IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-319-1996Jun 19, 1996SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-383-1996Jul 19, 1996SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-80-1997Feb 13, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-425-1997Aug 5, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-573-1997Oct 7, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-668-1997Nov 20, 1997SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-220-1998Apr 3, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-308-1998May 4, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-375-1998Jun 9, 1998SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-32-2000Jan 20, 2000SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-695-2000Nov 14, 2000SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CHEMICAL ...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-478-2001Aug 27, 2001SEARSPORT2GENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-62-2002Feb 5, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-297-2002May 28, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-434-2002Aug 20, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-656-2002Dec 10, 2002SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-345-2003Jul 20, 2003SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-556-2004Oct 14, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-627-2004Nov 17, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved

20  partly overlapping  "GAC Chemical"  spills reported to Maine DEP  2001-2020, by a slightly seperate name.

Spill NumberReport DateTown/MCDLocationSpill TypeTank Type
B-215-2001Apr 19, 2001SEARSPORTTRUCK LOADING AREA &am...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-478-2001Aug 27, 2001SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-496-2001Sep 7, 2001SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT ROADHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-174-2002Mar 20, 2002SEARSPORTACID LOADING AREA - GA...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-261-2002May 6, 2002SEARSPORTGAC CORP KIDDER POINT ...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-627-2004Nov 17, 2004SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM & CHE...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-112-2005Mar 4, 2005SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-35-2008Jan 19, 2008SEARSPORTMONTREAL, MAINE & ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-291-2008May 25, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL 34 KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-356-2008Jun 22, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL FACILTITY...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-183-2009Mar 13, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Oil IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-306-2009May 11, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL COMPANY K...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-57-2010Feb 3, 2010SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT RDHazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-85-2010Feb 20, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CO KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-412-2010Aug 5, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL/MM&A ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-305-2011May 19, 2011SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-423-2012Aug 17, 2012SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-495-2013Sep 19, 2013SEARSPORTSPRAGUE ENERGY CORPORA...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-452-2014Aug 21, 2014SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-112-2020Mar 18, 2020SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP. 34 ...Oil IncidentNone

B-112-2005Mar 4, 2005SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-35-2008Jan 19, 2008SEARSPORTMONTREAL, MAINE & ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-291-2008May 25, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL 34 KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-356-2008Jun 22, 2008SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL FACILTITY...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-183-2009Mar 13, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP KIDD...Oil IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-306-2009May 11, 2009SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL COMPANY K...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-57-2010Feb 3, 2010SEARSPORTGAC KIDDER POINT RDHazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-85-2010Feb 20, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CO KIDDER...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-412-2010Aug 5, 2010SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL/MM&A ...Hazardous Material IncidentNone
B-305-2011May 19, 2011SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone
B-423-2012Aug 17, 2012SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-495-2013Sep 19, 2013SEARSPORTSPRAGUE ENERGY CORPORA...Hazardous Material IncidentAbove Ground Tank(s) Involved
B-452-2014Aug 21, 2014SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORPORATI...Oil IncidentNone

Mar 18, 2020SEARSPORTGAC CHEMICAL CORP. 34 ...Oil IncidentNone

Delta Chemical's reported 44 oil and chemical spills at Kidder Point 1983 - 1994

Maine DEP records the following 44 chemical and or oil spill incidents at Delta Chemical between 1983 and 1994  during its operation of the chemical facility, which it handed over to General Alum and Chemical  beginning in 1994 

Click on Spill Numbers on left for Reports. (html)   (Sorry about file overlap)

B-257-1983Oct 14, 1983SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICALS INC KI...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-271-1983Nov 9, 1983SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICAL KIDDER ...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-101-1984May 27, 1984SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICALS INC KI...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-206-1984Sep 21, 1984SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-221-1984Oct 12, 1984SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-262-1984Dec 11, 1984SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-10-1985Jan 24, 1985SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-21-1985Feb 11, 1985SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-121-1985Jun 21, 1985SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-1-1985Nov 1, 1985SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-304-1986Jul 30, 1986SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-402-1987Oct 29, 1987SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-250-1988Jun 20, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-255-1988Jun 22, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-300-1988Jul 14, 1988SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-522-1988Nov 14, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-579-1988Dec 9, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-580-1988Dec 9, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-610-1988Dec 30, 1988SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-15-1989Jan 9, 1989SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-65-1989Feb 9, 1989SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-107-1989Mar 12, 1989SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-147-1989Apr 5, 1989SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-241-1989May 12, 1989SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-353-1989Jun 27, 1989SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
Spill NumberReport DateTown/MCDLocationSpill TypeTank Type
B-604-1989Oct 11, 1989SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-746-1989Nov 18, 1989SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-42-1990Jan 19, 1990SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-305-1990Jun 4, 1990SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-136-1991Mar 20, 1991SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-249-1991Apr 23, 1991SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-435-1991Jul 16, 1991SEARSPORTHazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-637-1991Oct 7, 1991SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-25-1992Jan 13, 1992SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-531-1992Oct 1, 1992SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-625-1992Nov 5, 1992SEARSPORTNon-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnderground Tank(s) Involved
B-65-1993Feb 5, 1993SEARSPORTOil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-344-1993Jun 29, 1993SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICAL KIDDER ...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-398-1993Jul 22, 1993SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICAL KIDDER ...Hazardous Material IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-2-1994Jan 3, 1994SEARSPORTGENERAL ALUM INC. KIDD...Oil IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-91-1994Feb 23, 1994SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICAL KIDDER ...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified
B-567-1994Sep 22, 1994SEARSPORTDELTA CHEMICALS, INC. ...Non-Oil, Non-Hazardous IncidentUnknown/Unspecified