
Mar 31, 2022

FOAA! DEP emails regarding the proposed granite mine, granite crusher and export dock on Bowden Point in Prospect

On 3/21/22  Penobscot Bay Watch sent a   FOAA letter  to Maine DEP asking for "All emails and their attachments, sent or received by Jessica Damon of DEP's Eastern Maine Regional Office, directly or cc'd, pertaining to the Salmons Quarry Operations Project in Prospect, Maine, from March 7, 2022 through March 21, 2022"

On 3/29/22/   Kevin Martin, DEP FOAA coordinator, responded to the above request, and provided the below emails from February 20, 2022 to  March 21,2022. Attachments provided at another link.


2022-02-20 Todd_Hanson_oppo_to_Susanne_Miller DEP EMRO

2022-03-07_Jessica Damon_to Chip Haskell.

2022-03-07_Jessical Damon_to Chip Haskell   *

2022-03-07_Madore to Damon, &Lavoie. Madore_to Caruso

2022-03-08_Damon to Todd Burrowes /Burrowes_Damon..2/14/22 & 1/8/22_Burrowes_Damon *

2022-03-08_Jessica Damon_Chip Haskell_HW (2 emails)

2022-03-08_Burroughs_to Haskell_Damon

2022-03-09_Damon to Kathleen Jenkins_oppo.

2022-03-09_Damon,Lavoie and Madore.pdf

2022-03-09_Jenkins to Damon

2022-03-09_Madore_Damon, and Damon_Madore, and Madore to Damon
2022-03-10_Beyer. to Lavoie and Damon Peter Shoults to Lavoie,

2022-03-11_Chelsea Getchell_atty

2022-03-11 Jessica Damon .to Haskell and Getchell.

2022-03-12-Brandy Bridge_oppo to Jessica Damon.

2022-03-14_Kathleen Jenkins_oppo to Damon.

2022-03-15_Chip Halkell_atty to DEP Jessica Damon

2022-03-15_Karin Sprague oppo_toDEP_Jim Beyer and Damon.

2022-03-17 Chip Haskell HW_Jessica_Damon

2022-03-17_Jessica Damon Letter Haskell on Deficiencies in BPP application

2022-03-17_Jessica Damon_to_Chip_Haskell Haley Ward


2022-03-17_Peter Shoults oppo_Damon

2022-03-17_Michell_Jadis_oppo_ to Jessica Damon.

2022-03-18_Peter Shoults again


2022-03-21_Kim Kokernak_oppo to Damon.

2022-03-21_Damon to Shoults_Shoults to Damon.

2022-03-21_Damon_to William Billado_ Billado to Damon.


FOAA of DEP on 3/21/22 Part 2. Bowden Pt applicant's documents on its proposed rock crushing and barge export facility

March 29, 2022   DEP Responds to  FOAA  re  Bowden Pt Mine Port

On 3/21/22  Penobscot Bay Watch sent a  FOAA letter  to Maine DEP asking for "All emails and their attachments, sent or received by Jessica Damon of DEP's Eastern Maine Regional Office, directly or cc'd, pertaining to the Salmons Quarry Operations Project in Prospect, Maine, from March 7, 2022 through March 21, 2022" .  On 3/29/22/   Kevin Martin, DEP FOAA coordinator, responded with both emais and the  below documents Includes the company's March 2022 version of   NRPA application,  federal and state agency responses and letters to tribes..

 Pg 1 NRPA Cover & Index

Pg 3 Agent, TRI, Certificate Good Standing, Public Notice

Pg 17 Secretary of State filing

Pg 19 Attachment 1Project Description 4pgs

Pg 23 Attachment2 Alternatives Analysis 4pgs

Pg 28 Attachment 3 Functional Assessment

Pg 29 Attachment 4 Compensation

Pg 31 Attachment 5 Site Location Map

Pg 33 Attachment 6 Site Photographs. 8pgs

Pg 41 Attachment 7 Drawings 4pgs

Pg 45 Attachment 8 Natural Resources Map

Pg 47 Attachment 9 Construction Plan 7pgs

Pg 54 Attachment 10 Erosion Control 8pgs

Pg 62 Attachment 11 Site Conditions

Pg 70 Site Conditions 3pgs

Pg 73 US Fish and Wildlife Service letter 6 pgs

Pg 79 Functional Assessment 4pgs

Pg 83 Photo log 5 pages

Pg 88. NOI, Abutters, cert mail list 4pgs

9pg 95 Attachment 14. Notice of Intent. Abutters List

9pg 99 Haley Ward_letters_to_Tribes_11pgs

1Pg 110 Appendix A. DEP Visual Evaluation Survey 2pgs

Pg 112 MDEP Coastal Wetlands Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Checklist 2pgs

Pg 114 Appendix C  DEP Dock Description Worksheet. 2pages

Pg 117 Piers, Maps and Blueprints 20pgs

Mar 24, 2022

The Maine Commons, Volumes 1 - 16. "Reclaiming our country, culture and consciousness from corporate rule" 2001-2004

The Maine Commons A Maine Independent Media Center Production.   "Reclaiming our country, culture and consciousness from corporate rule" 2001-2004

The  pdf files below are 16 editions of the Maine Media Commons, which  focused on: "viewpoints and stories that have been ignored or distorted by the corporate media, and issues of effects of corporate control on the freedom of expression."  (More editions as located)  Editors/writers: Hillary ListerLaura Childs, Carolyn Chute, Rob Fish, Rob Waite and many other contributors.

Listed headlines are randomly chosen from pg 1 stories of each edition

Autumn 2001.Open Letter to President Bush 

2. Nov-Dec 2001. War or War? By Carolyn Chute     

3. Jan-Feb 2002.  Radioactive speaks with head of Bangor Central Labor Council

 March2002. Belgrade Pines Avoid The Axe; Truck Fine Controversy

5. April May 2002 A Shoe, a Shirt and a 2x4 for Snowe and Collins. 

6. June-July 2002Fighting the Fed: American Liberty Dollars.

7. July-Aug 2002. The Widening Gap: Maine vs the DOT

8. Sept-Oct 2002 So Whatever Happened To Freedom Of Assembly?

9. Oct-Nov 2002Who Owns Maine? 

10. Dec 2002 Maine Lost History  Project : Racism in Maine.

11. Mar-April 2003. Maine's antiwar movement heats up.       

12May 2003 Life After Layoff- A Woman's Perspective

13. July-Aug 2003. Maine DHS: Reporting on a Broken Bureaucracy

14. Late Fall 2003. Does Maine Need More Jailbirds?

15. Spring 2004. The Global Economy Hits Home

16.Fall 2004. The Theater of American Elections

Mar 7, 2022

State Environmental Board to hear appeal of Rockland marina in June

Board of Environmental Protection to hear appeal by area residents.

ROCKLAND — The Maine Board of Environmental Protection is expected to hear in June the appeal of Rockland area residents who oppose the expansion by Safe Harbor Marinas.

“Due to the board’s current work load, they are looking at sometime in June to hear the appeal. A specific date is to be determined,” a DEP spokesman said March 2.

The appeal was filed Jan. 7 by 16 area residents.

DEP Commissioner Melanie Loyzim signed in December an approval of a Natural Resources Protection Act permit for the expanded marina. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry’s submerged land division issued findings and gave preliminary approval for the expansion. Final approval of that awaited the end of the public response period on Jan. 7.

Filing the letter of appeal were: Steve Cartwright of Tenants Harbor, Nadine and Larry Bangerter of Rockland, Ken Wexler of Owls Head, Constance Hayes of Rockland, Rebecca Glaser of Rockport, Eileen Fitzgerald of Rockland, Kyle MacKenzie Swan of Rockland, Laurence Coe of Rockland, Ron Huber of Penobscot Bay Watch, Judy Pasqualge of Rockland, Virginia Noble of Rockland, Avis Turner of Rockland, Anne “Pinny” Beebe-Center of Rockland, Susan Beebe of Rockland, Isabella Feracci of Rockland, and Paul Rosen of Owls Head.

The appeal details each of the appellants concerns about the expansion. One concern listed is no approval should be granted until a signed agreement is reached to guarantee the public’s right to use the boardwalk that crosses Safe Harbor’s property.

Another concern was that the expansion would block the public’s view of the harbor with “large and mega yachts serving rich people.”

The project includes dredging an area of 138,000 square feet. The expansion of the float system includes four 150-foot long fingers to the east of the main pier; a 90-foot finger to the west; and a 115-foot long and a 172-foot string of floats to the west.

Safe Harbor agreed to pay for the cost of moving 16 moorings that have to be relocated by the proposed marina expansion. They will also help the city assign the moorings close to where they are currently located.

City officials said at their Nov. 1 meeting the city attorney and Safe Harbor have been working on coming up with an agreement to ensure public access to the boardwalk. The boardwalk was built by MBNA when they opened the waterfront office complex in 2001. Rockland Harbor Park LLC, led by local developer Stuart Smith, purchased the property in 2007.

Safe Harbor also agreed to allow limited access to the pier at the marina, improve public access to Sandy Beach and help with a public bathroom to replace the portable toilets at the city-owned beach.

The original, more expansive plan, was submitted back in 2018 by Yachting Solutions. Safe Harbors has yet to file any formal plans to the city for changes on the land side of its property, although it showed a few city officials a potential plan earlier this year.        
                                                                              Courtesy Courier Gazette