
Nov 19, 2023

Penobscot Bay water circulation: through a glass, darkly

Pettigrew 2000
I. The freshening influence of the Penobscot River observed during the spring is clear only on the western side of the bay. Within the western bay, the major portion of the waters of riverine origin flow out of the bay in the channel on the eastern side of Islesboro, and continue on in the channel on the western side of Vinalhaven. Although some of the river water does flow southward on the western side of Islesboro, this flow quite shallow and relatively weak in terms of transport

II. The net transport that enters outer Penobscot Bay west of Vinalhaven appears to split south of Islesboro Island. The inflow that goes west of the island apparently circulates clockwise around the northern end of the Island where it joins the outflow from the Penobscot river. The major portion of the inflow goes to the east side of Islesboro where it presumably converges with the outflow observed at UEB, and is eventually deflected east and south through the island archipelago northeast of North Haven.

III. The directly measured mean surface currents were observed to be outward throughout the bay. Episodes of surface inflow were rare (especially in the outer bay), and appear to be related to wind forcing.

IV. There is some indication that the marked seasonal variation of the circulation, in which the surface outflow deepens significantly is correlated to changes in the EMCC which appears to undergo large fluctuations and even reversals starting in the fall.

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