
May 11, 2009

Downeast Magazine rewards fish nursery smasher-wannabes

Alas the new management as Downeast Magazine hasn't taken long to revert to the old boss' shirley templing of the issues of the day.  

Sugar-coating the story of the selling out of Sears Island by Sierra Club and a handful of greedy landtrust outfits as a case of enlightened land stewardship, and THEN pronouncing this savage act against nature and nature-based Maine busniesses as worthy of  the "thirty-first annual Down East Environmental Award" leads one to be glad that, at the rate its circulation is shrinking, Downeast Magazine most likely won't be around to award a thirty-second one.    Read the have-to-destroy-the-island-to-save-it pablum spewed through the chops of laid off former Downeastling Jeff Clark if you dare.

Watch this space for the coming quisling awards that will bestowed liberally upon the Sears Island  Joint Use Planning Committee's members and their political allies.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Psssst... Down East's circulation is up by more than 5 percent.

  2. Great! Forgive the glum forecast. We're all for the perpetuation of magazines including Downeast. Their publication of Jeff Clark's ridiculously obsequious article on "How Sears Island was saved", however, was the insertion of corrupt politics into the lovely dreamscape of Maine that Downeast Magazine produces each month.
